Chapter 368 - Sinister Plot

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Queen Ah-Joong was fuming as she screamed at one of the servants who were attending her. For some reason, nothing was going her way at the time. First was Li Jun's announcement about Jennie's help. Then, her father fainted because of anger and was rushed to the hospital. Now, the servant gave her the wrong tea!

How could she give her a different tea? How stupid!

"You! Get me my favorite jasmine tea! And I want you to inform everyone that this woman is fired!" Firing the servant was the only thing that could satisfy her anger at that moment. She then picked up her phone and texted her brother. She wanted to know if her father was alright.

Queen Ah-Joong, let out a long sigh before trying to compose herself and call her son. She should not lose her composure at a time like this. She needed to take over and come up with a plan to make everyone hate Jennie.

"Carlisle...." she said when her son answered the phone. "Call Mr. Wu... tell him I want to talk to him..."


After Gideon's announcement to everyone, another news was released by some major news station. Jennie and Lisa were spotted at the most poverty-stricken part of the country, giving some supplies to everyone. She was giving free medications to the sick and even some school supplies to the children!

How shocking was that? Even the Royals did not do that kind of things! Jennie was indeed one of a kind! She was akin to an angel.

Once again, the opinion of the people changed and everyone was now praising Jennie and Lisa. Jennie's actions were just too fast, the Kim Family was left speechless. How could she do that in such a short period of time?

Why did it seem like it was Jennie who was planning for a long time and was just waiting for the Kim Family to make their move first?

"I want the attack to be done by tomorrow!" Queen Ah-Joong demanded. She was talking to Mr. Wu over the phone, as the King had not permitted her to go outside of her chambers.

"No. We need to wait after the Cabinet meeting next week."

"Then, what are we going to do now? Are we just going to watch that woman make herself look like a saint?" She raged. She will never let that happen!

"It was you who failed to detect her arrival in the country. You can't change my plan just because of your irresponsibility!"

"You... How dare you talk to your Queen like that?"

"You are not a Queen... and especially, not mine." He answered. "I will do whatever I have promised your father to do!"

"Mr. Wu... you don't understand..." Queen Ah-Joong swallowed her words in anger when she noticed that Mr. Wu had already dropped the call. She then turned her attention towards Carlisle who was listening to their conversation. "Do whatever Jennie has been doing! Send some supplies to everyone living in the slums!"

"But mother I..."

"No buts! Can't you see? She is using our own plan against us! She is trying to win over the people hearts!" She said in one go. How could Jennie accomplish all of that in such a short period of time? She couldn't help but remember her father's words about the cunningness of that woman. It seemed that Mr.Wu was not exaggerating things speaking about her.

"Also... I want you to find out where are they staying right now! If worse comes to worst, I will send my men to her location and kill her and that man beside her!"

"Mother, Grandfather said that her fiancée is someone who could protect her. Her unknown entry in the country is living proof of that fact. We can't..."

"Just do what I say! I am doing this for you that you can safely enthrone!" She bellowed, surprising her son. Seeing his reaction, Queen Ah-Joong immediately reverted back to her usual kind facade. "Sorry. I was just worried about Jennie and her claim towards the throne," she said, as a sinister plot appeared in her mind.

That's right. If the King died before he could announce that Jennie was his daughter, then...


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