Chapter 220 - King

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 Hu Renjie instantly frowned when he heard Lisa's words. "What welcome? Your father is dying in the hospital and you are still thinking of a welcome party?"

"Three things," Lisa said before calmly getting up from his chair. "First, my father already woke up this morning. Second, I would like to remind you that I am the new CEO of CF Oils because my family owns more than fifty percent of this company. And third, I won't tolerate any disrespect coming from any of you. If you are not satisfied with me, then I would suggest you pack up your stuff, sell your stock, and go somewhere else."

Lisa's words coupled with his cold eyes made some of the men shiver. They couldn't help but wonder if they were really talking to someone who was half their age..

"Is this how you talk to your seniors? We have been with this company before you were even born! How dare you berate us like this?" Hu Renjie exploded. His family was one of the oldest board members in this company. Even Marco Manoban wouldn't dare disrespect him like Lisa just had. "We were waiting for you! I had my secretary call you thrice! Yet you have acted arrogantly and refused to see us!" This time, Hu Renjie was already pointing his fingers towards Lisa.

Hu Renjie couldn't deny that he did not have an iota of respect towards Lisa. This was not because of Lisa's age, but rather it was because he hated the fact that a man younger than him beat him to the CEO position.

Hu Renjie was aware that Lisa was the only heir of the Manoban Conglomerate. However, after Marco's accident, he was expecting that the authority to handle the company would be given to him until Lisa was fully capable to handle the business. After all, he was the vice president and the acting senior manager for all of their projects.

For Hu Renjie, giving Lisa the position was a sign that the company did not trust him. This was the reason why he called for a board meeting the moment he was informed that Lisa was to take over today. Aside from this, he deliberately did not inform Lisa ahead of time about this meeting and deliberately did not welcome him when he arrived this morning.

He wanted to show the young man who held the authority in this company.

"Chu Yang," he heard Lisa say in a low voice. In response, Lisa's secretary immediately scurried towards him. "Tell Mr. Hu that he is fired. Starting tomorrow he is no longer the company's senior manager. Make preparations for a forced buyout. Today, buy all of their family's shares. I want this all done by tomorrow morning."

Everyone stood there stupefied when they heard Lisa's words. They couldn't seem to process Lisa's words.

Fired? Just like that?

"Are you out of your mind? Why would you fire me?" Hu Renjie fumed. "My family has been working with the Manoban Conglomerate for decades! You cannot do this to me!"

"Says who? Did those politicians that you bribed say that?" Lisa raised an eyebrow.

Seeing Hu Renjie's pale face, he continued, « Manoabn Conglomerate's lawyers will deal with you and the millions that you have embezzled. For now, save some face for yourself and get out of my sight!"

Hu Renjie stared at Lisa, his thoughts running rampant. He wondered how Lisa could know about the politicians that he had bribed in "S country" for an offshore mining contract. This contract had earned him millions of money outside of the amount that he earned from FC Oils. He squinted his eyes, trying to analyze Lisa's facial reaction.

Did Lisa know about all of his previous misdeeds?

"Why are you still here? Do you want me to call the security so they can drag you out of my office?" Lisa taunted.

In response, Hu Renjie gritted his teeth in annoyance and stormed out of the room. He would back down, for now.

After making sure that he had left, Lisa looked at the group of businessmen who were trying to avoid his gaze. This group of people had been with FC Oils for decades and most of them had forgotten that the Manoban Family owned more than half of the company. They had become arrogant because Marco treated them well.

However, Lisa was different. He would not tolerate corruption, nor anything that could possibly cause any damage to FC Oils. As the new CEO, Lisa was determined to make ManobanConglomerate number one, not just in their country, but also internationally.

After seeing that he was able to establish the effect that he wanted, Lisa sat down and looked at the group of man in front of him.

"So... let's do this again. Are you here to welcome me?" He asked, his tone as serious as his face, his aura intimidating.

The group of businessmen gulped as they looked at Lisa who was sitting like a king on his throne. Then they nodded. Yes, they are indeed here to welcome the new king of Manoban Conglomerate.

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