Chapter 306 - Secret Weapon

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"Who?" Jennie asked. If someone else had hurt Wang Ruo, then did that mean that Li Qiang had actually saved her mother?

For some reason, the fact that Li Qiang had saved her mother, was making her feel conflicted. Just, who was Li Qiang? What position did he have in her mother's life?

"I don't know yet. But I will find out soon." Wang Ruo said solemnly. She intended to find out very soon.

"So, are you going to continue pretending to be Long Die? Shall I send Bai'Li and Wang Mino to M Country instead?"

"Don't send anyone." Wang Ruo answered before glancing at Lisa. "The two of you should know that this could be a trap set for Jennie."

"I'm sorry Mom, but I don't understand.." she interjected. "Is someone trying to kill me aside from Li Qiang?"

Wang Ruo slowly nodded.


"You don't need to know that now since I am not yet certain about it too. But I am sure they are from the Royal Family."

"Like the Prime Minister's wife?" Jennie asked.


"But why? Can't you tell me this? Can't you at least explain to me why this is happening? Why would someone try to kill me just because I'm your daughter? I am not even aware of who my father is." Jennie needed an explanation. She needed to know. She needed the truth from her mother.

Wang Ruo let out a sigh before she gestured Lisa to sit down at Jennie's table across them.

"Listen to me. And listen attentively." She began. "Your father holds a very important position in that country. He... chose the country instead of me... he did not know that I was pregnant when I left."

"Is my father the King of M Country?" Jennie asked.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean?" this time it was Lisa who asked. What kind of mother didn't know, who the father of her child was? Wang Ruo must have been kidding, right?

"When I met him... he didn't reveal to me his real identity. All I know is that... he was... Li Qiang's twin brother." Wang Ruo's answer earned shocked gasps from both Lisa and Jennie.

"But... according to..."

"Don't believe the records." Wang Ruo interrupted Jennie. "He had a brother that was chosen by the main Li Family when they were still toddlers."

"It is a secret rule. No one is allowed to know this, except family members. But Li Qiang told me this secret when he discovered that his brother and I had been seeing each other. By then... it was already too late. I was already involved in their matter too deeply and.. it took me a while to get out of the situation."

"You mean my father is Li Qiang's twin, and you were unaware of this?"

"You are right."

"So, you believe that my father is either the King or the Prime Minister, disguised under another identity?" Jennie asked, disbelief laced her eyes. So, these things did not just happen in the movies after all.

"So, why can't he know that I am his daughter?"

"Because you have a very special identity. You are – were supposed to become the next leader of the Vercello Family."

"What do you mean?"

Wang Ruo hesitated before finally deciding not to tell Jennie everything. "I mean, you were destined to become enemies with the Li Family."

Wang Ruo's words were something that Jennie did not anticipate. Then, Li Qiang's words seem to echo in her mind.

'Rose would only create chaos and war. Rose should die.'

She let out a long sigh, as her mind started processing Wang Ruo's words. So, she was supposed to be her father's enemy. Was that why Li Qiang wanted to kill her? Because she was someone that supposed to be his enemy?

"This is too complicated." Jennie blurted out.

"It is." Wang Ruo nodded. "And I apologize for being dumb."

Jennie shook her head and held her mother's hands. "This is not your fault."

In the end, Jennie and Wang Ruo talked a bit more about Jennie's life when her mother was not there.

Of course, Jennie could feel that her mother was still hiding something from her. Something very important. Yet, she chose to ignore that for now.

She had already decided not to go to M Country. She would rather stay here, beside her mother and Lisa, than dabble in a war that she couldn't win.

The trio then decided, to let Wang Ruo mask herself as Long Die and continue working for her.

They assumed that once Jennie backed out from the project of M Country, they would also stop provoking her. However, there were people, who couldn't just ignore Jennie's identity. She was a genius, a prodigy that could create something impossible.

Jennie was just the perfect secret weapon, a secret ally for the upcoming war.

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