Chapter 400 - Weapon

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« Thud"


Gideon stared at Jennie, his eyes full of disbelief before looking at the wound on his stomach. He then turned his eyes towards unconscious Li Qiang who was also lying on the floor.

When Li Qiang turned his back to Gideon, the latter took advantage of that and immediately fired the gun that he had got when he tumbled down the floor. Despite Wang Ruo's warning, Li Qiang was not able to avoid the bullet and was shot directly on his lower back. He then lost consciousness even before his body hit the floor.

"You... shot me!" Gideon hissed amused while staring at Jennie, with his eyes wide open.. He expected Jennie to surrender after getting beaten by Simon. He was also sure that even the combined strength of both Wang Ruo and Jennie would still be no match for Simon.

Who would have thought that she would be able to get ahold of a gun and directly shoot him? Was that woman crazy? Couldn't she see that he and the Li Family were the only people who were not lying to her?

The Li Family wanted to use this incident to make Jennie stronger, both emotionally and psychologically. How come she did not appreciate their good intentions? Gideon originally thought that Jennie would be smart enough to realize that. So, why was she still taking the side of her criminal mother?

"Your Highness!" Simon was about to walk towards Gideon when the latter held up his hand, signaling him to not approach. Gideon then stared straight at Simon. "End this." He blurted out before falling onto the floor.

Simon did not even wait for another second before he dashed towards the teary Wang Ruo. The latter was originally distracted from seeing Li Qiang bloody and unconscious, she was not able to counter Simon's move.

Simon dashed behind Wang Ruo and looped his hand around her neck. Afterward, he held his other hand, with the hunting knife that he was using just a while ago, next to her throat. "Drop your gun, or I promise, I will slit this woman's throat before your bullet can hit me," he commanded with a stern face before applying a little force to the knife.

A small wound was immediately seen on Wang Ruo's neck as small drops of blood instantly poured out from it.

"No!" Jennie screamed as she raised her two hands, showing that she was willing to let go of the gun. "Let her go!"

"Throw the gun onto the floor and put your hands behind your head," Simon demanded. "I will let this woman go as long as you come with me," he said as he tightened his grip on Wang Ruo's neck.

Let her go? That was something that Simon couldn't do. No matter what.

Just like Gideon, Simon was instructed by the Elders of the Li Family to kill Wang Ruo no matter what.

He squinted his eyes as he watched Jennie slowly lower the gun to the floor. "Kick it away from you," he ordered.

Jennie immediately kicked the gun towards Simon. Her expression was complicated as she eyed the unconscious Li Qiang and her crying mother. For some reason, seeing Li Qiang lay there motionless, was not making Jennie happy at all.

she had dreamt of that moment lots of time. She dreamt of shooting that man herself. However, she never expected to feel this way towards him once she witnessed that moment in real life. 'It must be because we are blood-related,' she thought before turning her attention towards Simon.

The Li Family...!!!

Jennie's expression instantly darkened as she thought about the possibility that the Li Family had also ordered Simon to kill her mother, despite the cost. In her analysis, the Li Family was thinking that they could get away with Wang Ruo's death in the future by threatening Jennie with her remaining family members.

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