Chapter 281 - Dog Food

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After a very eventful morning, Jennie had lunch with Lisa. The latter personally cooked some of her favorite dishes, which instantly made her day a little better.

"You are getting better and better at cooking," she grinned at him, before giving him a thumbs up.

In response, he shook his head and just laughed at her. "Is that the only thing that I have improved in?" he asked, his eyebrows raised at her.

"No... No, of course not. You are getting better at everything," she winked at him and giggled. "By the way, I did some investigation on Wang Empire's competitor: the Angler company. I have found out that the owner of this company is like a big secret in the tech world.. No one knows him or her."

"Did they cause any trouble for you?"

"No... but I feel like the head of their research department will definitely cause some chaos in the future."

"I will ask Bei Ye to dig out more information for you." After all, there was actually nothing hidden in the underworld. This time, Lisa was going to use Manoban Conglomerate's influence. He had even started meddling in the black market. His reasoning of doing that was to establish his own name in the black market.

He was doing this, to find out more about Li Qiang. Till now, they were curious about the reason behind Li Qiang's interest in Manoban Conglomerate.

Jennie just nodded at his words.

"The M Country has officially sent an invitation for their military project, and they want me to visit the M Country for at least a week, to witness the current level of their military prowess."


"We haven't scheduled it yet. But, I think, I shall refuse this invite for now. I can always do this later. Maybe, after I accomplish my AI Project. By that time, no one will question Wang Empire," she said.

"Hmmm... I will make more research about the hierarchy of power in that country. Who invited you? The prime minister himself or the King?"

Jennie stiffened at Lisa's question. "It was not mentioned in the letter."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I think it's the head of their military. Someone from the Li Family. » she answered.

"Then, we definitely need to do some research about the M Country. I'm afraid that this Li Family is somewhat related to Li Qiang. I mean... the timing is... just too perfect."

After their conversation, the duo continued their busy day and went home together feeling very exhausted.


On the next day, Jennie dragged her body out of the bed. She had to continue working on her AI Project.

She and Lisa immediately got prepared for work and went to their respective offices. As usual, what greeted Jennie was Rosé, who was giving her the same, boring schedule and reminding her of the things that she needed to do during the day.

Although she was feeling exhausted, she forced herself to just smile and nod to everyone. Her exhaustion did not come from Li Qiang or from the Vercello family. It came from the pressure that she was putting on herself. She wanted to finish this project as soon as possible, so she could monitor Li Qiang and know if her mother was indeed alive and well.

For Jennie, it was the ultimate reason to create this system. "Hey, where's my coffee?" she interrupted Rosé when she realized that she did not hand her the most important thing that could keep her awake for today- her second cup of coffee.

"Oh... I will have to get it from Manoban Conglomerate. Your fiance insisted on making one for you. I don't know what has gotten into people lately, always wanting to show off that they have lovers caring for dog food to single people like me..." again Rosé's thoughts went to the exact opposite way, as she started mumbling about how the world was really unfair.

"Ehem... you can actually ask Bei Ye to get it," she interrupted her friend's monologue. Rosé had been with her since high school. Her busy schedule, coupled with her strange attitude, scared men off. That's why until now, the latter did not even have her first kiss. "Go ask Bei Ye to get it. Just come to my office once you get it," she told her friend, while giving her a smile.

She immediately left and went back to the ground floor of the building to see Bei Ye.

Seeing this Jennie just shook her head and opened the door to her office. However, her eyes instantly widened when she saw that someone had already been sitting at her table.

"Hello Jennie, it's really nice to finally meet you." Her breath instantly hitched, as she watched the smiling man in front of her. Then, she composed herself and raised an eyebrow, her gaze stern, and cold.

"Li Qiang?"

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