Chapter 289 - Bullied

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Jennie slowly made her way out of the bed. Lisa was still sound asleep next to her. Obviously, the night's activity had taken its toll on both of them. However, Jennie decided to make some breakfast for both of them.

She slowly tiptoed towards the door and opened it silently only to see Zhao Chittip, standing in front of her.

« Jenjen! » she exclaimed before hugging her. "What happened? We did not hear from you all night! I had to fly here and see for myself if Lisa bullied you!"

Jennie did not know if she should laugh or cry at Zhao Chittip's words. Yesterday, she and Lisa ended up staying in the room after they arrived from the mall. Lisa just made a quick lunch and dinner for both of them before spending all their day in bed, tangled with each other.

"Mother.... who told you that he bullied me?" she asked, wondering, why would Zhao Chittip come here and think that way.

"He did not? Wait... You don't have to fear that Lisa!" Zhao Chittip let go of Jennie and marched her way inside their room, thinking that Jennie was just afraid to tell her the truth. However, before she could say a thing, she was forced to swallow all the scoldings that she had already prepared when she was on her way here.

Zhao Chittip looked at the groggy Lisa, who just woke up. he was only wearing a pajama with no shirt to cover his upper body. Because of this, Zhao Chittip could clearly see the purple kiss marks on Lisa's neck and chest. She narrowed her eyes at him, then she turned her gaze to Jennie examining her carefully. Jennie was glowing with her pink cheeks, that was obviously not a face of someone, who had been bullied. And if one examined carefully, one would notice the little bruises on her collarbone.


Why did it seem, like she stumbled into a different type of bullying?

"I... um... I will cook your favorite food for breakfast," she blurted out before turning away and leaving the room as fast as she could. Those Bei Ye and Wang Bolin needed some discipline! Because of those two, Zhao Chittip spent most of her night thinking about scolding Lisa when she needed to award his son instead! Seeing those bruises, it could only mean that she would have her grandchild soon.

Was it not something to celebrate?

Meanwhile, Jennie and Lisa ended up laughing at Zhao Chittip's antics. Someone must have told her about Lisa's attitude yesterday, in fact, the two could already guess who. Too bad, those two would get a scolding from Zhao Chittip now.

"This is all your fault." Jennie said as she cuddled in Lisa's arms, making the latter fall back onto the mattress.

"Why is that? Was I the one, who seduced my wife while shopping?"

"Still... your reaction was a bit overboard, they must have thought that something really bad happened... or that we got into a fight."

"They were right! We indeed got into a fight," he mused.

"That's a different thing."

"What's so different about it?"

Jennie only shook her head and buried her face in his chest. "Mother will cook the breakfast, so... I'll just stay here until she's done."

"Is that another cue for..." he raised an eyebrow.

"Of course not. You pervert!" she said, as she playfully pinched his waist.

he only responded with a chuckle before kissing Jennie's forehead. "Any plans for today?"

"I'm planning to go shopping," she answered.

'We went shopping yesterday."

"For thirty minutes," she rolled her eyes.

"Okay, why don't we have Wang Bolin and Bei Ye buy the clothes that you want, and we go somewhere else?"

"What do you have in mind?" she asked.

After some time, the duo decided that they would go watch a movie, and then go to a local bazaar, which just opened in B country. The bazaar was known for its excellent food stalls, which instantly got Jennie excited.

Afterward, the duo had breakfast with Zhao Chittip, who was talking endlessly about getting pregnant and baby clothes. She was even talking about the color of her grandchild's room, as well as different names that they needed to consider.

Of course, this earned another round of giggles and chuckles from Jennie and Lisa . Both of them were aware that Jennie had a problem in her ovaries, both in the past and present lives. However, her past life had been made worse by Lu CL and Nancy. While at present, Jennie could actually still give birth under close medical monitoring. She also needed to take bed rest and have an extreme diet, which only suited for conception. But that was going to be for another day... As the duo was not planning on telling anyone about this yet.

At that point, neither Jennie was aware that Angler Company had already been successful with poaching some of Jennie's most trusted people.

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