Chapter 257 - Impostor Wu Minxia

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The news of the fire in the Wang Estate laced all the headlines in B Country. According to the news, only one body was found, it was burnt to the extent that no one was able to recognize it. Aside from that, no one from the Wang Family had been hurt in the fire. After hours of investigation, it was found out that the fire had been caused by an accidental explosion.

Of course, no one even questioned the results of the investigation. What caught everyone's attention, was the fact that the CEO of Wang Empire Jennie was not showing any concern towards the Wang Family whatsoever. She was seen at different parties, getting drunk with other people.

Because of this, many people assumed that Lisa must have something to do with her behavior.

"Maybe, CEO Manoban has broken up their engagement, that is the reason why she is acting like a spoiled brat."

"What if she is just trying to make Young Master Manoban jealous? Hahahha.... poor Jennie."

"I agree... according to a friend, Jennie was talking about a break up when she was drunk. She was waiting for CEO Manoban to come and get her."

"Aiayah... My poor CEO Manoban. I bet he does not even know that this was his ex-fiancée's real colors."

"Watching this kind of drama, is even more entertaining, than the people from the show business. I suggest we make these people celebrities. I bet they will earn more, than those starlets ahahaha."

The netizens once again made assumptions about 'Jennie's' wild actions. They believed that Young Master Manoban must have broken up with Jennie that night. Because of her broken heart, she went to spend her night partying and drinking. She thought that Young Master Manoban still cared about her and would get her out of the club. Sadly, he never showed his face to get her.

Who would have thought, the seemingly perfect relationship, which was envied by many, would come to an end like this?

Then, on noon that day, another news broke out.

Jennie's scandalous video was released. This time it was a thirty-minute video of 'Jennie Kim' tied up in bed with another guy. Because of this, Nancy scheduled another press conference to help her sister 'clear' her name.

"Wise move." Lisa sneered while listening to Bei Ye's reports. he was aware that Jennie was dealing with some important matters, so he chose to deal with this matter all by himself.

"Young Master, the board of directors of Wang Group are already calling for a meeting. They want to remove Young Miss forcefully from the CEO position due to her actions."

"When is it?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"How about Nancy's press conference?"

"Tomorrow at three in the afternoon."

"Hmmm... They must have assumed that the real Jennie had died from the fire." Lisa said. "Let them set up a meeting. I will be there to greet everyone."

Those board of directors members were nothing but sharks, who just prioritized profit over anything else, so they would surely ask Jennie to step down, to protect their investments. Lisa had already predicted that this would happen. He was already planning to use this opportunity to weed out the traitors in Wang Empire, as well as Manoban Conglomerate.

"Anything else?" he asked.

"Yes, the impostor showed up in Wang Empire's office a while ago, and she fired a bunch of employees, including Miss Rosé." Bei Ye said.

"Is she aware that there will be a meeting tomorrow?"

"Yes, but she refused to join the meeting."

"Tell the security not to let her inside this building," he said, if his thoughts were right, then the impostor Wu Minxia would visit Manoban Conglomerate next, and cause chaos in the process. If he was right, then Wu Minxia would use this opportunity to prove that he indeed had left Jennie. "One more thing," he added.

"My wife will arrive tonight, using a different face and identity. I want you to make sure that no one knows about this: triple security on the villa, make sure she is safe." Lisa couldn't make bets on Jennie's safety. Because of this, he couldn't let their enemies find out that she is still alive and well.

"Yes, Young Master." Bei Ye nodded before walking out of Lisa's office.

After he left, he then used an encrypted phone to call Jennie, updating her on what was currently happening.

Jennie was already on her way to B Country, with her Grandfather and Wang Huo. And to secure her safety, Lisa had arranged for her to blend in the crowd, using another name and some face changing techniques. She had taken a public plane, while her Grandfather and Uncle used their private plane.

Lisa knew that the burden of Wang Ruo's lies, and her grandmother's identity, were making Jennie very exhausted, so he had made sure to hurry up his game and protect her with everything he had.

This scandal made Jennie's stay at the Seoul shorter. However, before leaving, Jennie made sure to get a DNA sample from Wonbin.

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