Chapter 269 - Police

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"Morning." Lisa said when he noticed that Jennie is already awake in his arms. The latter was just staring at him, enveloped in her own thoughts.

"Hey, handsome," she smiled. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Can I have you?" he asked

Jennie just laugh at his words, "You already had your fill last night are you trying to exhaust me to the point of death?"

"So anything aside from me for breakfast?" she asked.

"You will cook?" he raised an eyebrow.


"Bacon and egg.."

"Great!" she said as she got up and dragged her legs out of the bed. She then shook her head when she notice her numb back. Lisa always had his own ways on making her fall asleep.

Then she made her way into the kitchen to make some breakfast for the both of them.

Although Zhao Chittip assigned some servants to take care of their needs, they would still insist on making breakfast for each other most of the times.

"I think we should move to our own house soon," she said when she noticed Lisa standing at the center island looking at her. He must have followed her to the kitchen.

"I agree. I already found a place. We should check it out soon."

Jennie instantly raised an eyebrow at him. "That fast?"

"I've been checking since we arrive."

"Hmmm," she nodded.

"You will have another board meeting today," he said.

"Yeah.. those people are not really planning on giving me a break."

"It's business. However, that Mr. Lu should be related to Li Qiang in some way," he answered before sitting opposite to Jennie who was busy cooking some eggs. "Did you found something last night?"

Jennie spent a lot of time in her laptop after she heard the message from the box. She was checking every information that she could find about Jia Yan's father and his connections to Wang Ruo. She also started tracking Li Qiang using Bai'li's previous data.

"I was able to hack into the cloud account of his phone last night. And I found something really disturbing, a text message on the night of the accident." she made sure that no one is around them before she continued and turned to face him."Someone asked to see him. If I remember correctly the exact message was 'old comrade I'll see you at the old place for us old people'. It sounded like a joke. But he received this message before midnight. That was before he went out to see an 'old friend'."

"Strange. You think it is connected to..."

"I don't know Lis." she let out a sigh. "I think he was telling me that my mother is still alive."


"But I also think he was telling me not to find her. That someone is watching me. I don't know." she said. All she knows now is not to trust anyone. Of course, except for Lisa.

"You mentioned that after I had died you took care of Kai and Nancy... did you.. did you have someone investigate my death? Was it really an accident?" she asked. This question had been bugging her since the fire at the Wang Estate.

Was it possible that Li Qiang was the one responsible for her death in the previous life?

In response, he nodded."Yes... but I was not able to find anything suspicious. They told me you were drunk, and I was not exactly thinking straight after knowing that something happened to you."

After Jennie's death in their past life, he did his best to avenge her. He was too focused on revenge that he did not really pay any heed to what happened to her. Also, It was partly because he was still blaming himself for her death.

However, Jennie's words this time made him think of what really happened in their past life. "But days before the accident I remember seeing someone follow you while taking some of your pictures. I just... well, I thought it was just the paparazzi. You were famous after all."

Jennie instantly frowned at his words. So there is a possibility that her death was no accident at all. She let out a long sigh before giving her attention back to the slices of bacon in front of her.

So what if someone killed her before? Would it matter now?

The only thing that Jennie can do now is to slowly solve the mystery that involved her mother. However, she also needs to be careful and watch her back. After all, Li Qiang was clearly after her life.

The thought of Li Qiang instantly made her froze. That's right! She had a way to find him!

« Lis can you get my laptop for me?" she said, the excitement obvious in her eyes.

Seeing her enthusiasm he immediately went towards their room to get her laptop. He then gave it to Jennie and watched her wrote some codes.

However before she could finish, Bei Ye came striding towards them.

"Young master... Young miss... we have a situation." Bei Ye suddenly said while panting. The couple looked at Bei Ye waiting for him to speak. "The police are here... they wanted to talk to the young miss."

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