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Quote Of The Day:

- Henry van Dyke Jr.


I hate it.

I desperately wanted to get out of this room, I wanted to go back to that rowdy classroom and be back in the hellish company of my best friends.

But here I was, stuck in this useless body, this stupid hospital, and with this dumb quirk! I wish it would all be over, I wish I could live my life without the burden of my own abilities. What was I thinking? I could've dodged, why didn't I? Why am I so stupid?!

I wish I was someone good, I wish I was a good son, a good friend, a good classmate. God, I wish I was a good hero...

I heard the doctor's voice on the outside of the door, talking to Aizawa-Sensei and Principal Nezu. Their words were blurry in my mind as I heard them through fogged ears.

"His quirk is rejecting medicine, and no matter what we do, his wings and quirk refuse to control themselves. Since his wings are natural and respond to mental stimuli, I believe his quirk is malfunctioning, he's already almost hurt himself and others, hence the quirk surpressants he's taking. We need you EraserHead, to keep an eye on him."

The doctor chuckled at her pun, and Aizawa-Sensei sighed out loudly.

"What the hell is that?" I squinted, my tired eyes still drowsy and halfway opened from all the damn dope shit they were giving me for the pain. That, for some reason, wasn't working.

"You BITCH!"

I tried to scoot back but hit the back of the hospital bed, "Hey! Wait a minute now!"

Bakugo was fighting against the doctors and EraserHead, throwing his arms around, "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!"

I sighed, a fake tear rolling down my cheek, I pointed at myself, "I have fucked no mothers, or anyone to be honest."


"It was a joke-" I choked on my words, I felt fire flee between my ribs, and nerves pull against one another in tight and unbendable ropes of binding around my muscles. I gasped for the oxygen that the plastic mask around my mouth was supposed to provide.

My body fought me, still healing yet refusing the medicine the doctors kept giving me. For some reason, my father's quirk also refuses modern medicine. If you couldn't tell, that dumb attribute I also obtained. Medicine wasn't helping, and healing quirks are rare. Recovery Girl helped as much as she could, but I only had so much stamina while stuck in this hospital.

Not to mention, my quirk wasn't healing itself like it was supposed to be, which is why I am still stuck in this stupid hospital. Even two days after the incident, my arm was scarred from the burning but was otherwise healed, my eye was covered with a white patch. Apparently, the smoke and debris (not to mention, the blunt trauma to my eye) caused it to not only dry out but also almost burst.

So, to keep my eye in tact and keep it from drying out, I'll likely have to wear this eye-patch for a few months. My wrist was broken, but got lucky enough that I only have to wear a brace on my wrist rather than my whole arm. I got extremely lucky with what had happened.

It looked worse than it really was. The main injury was in my wings, which didn't want to heal or act correctly for some reason, that's why I was still in the hospital.

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