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Quote of the day:

- Dolly Parton

- Dolly Parton

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"Today's training will be a little different." Aizawa started the morning off with one of the most anxiety inducing sentences ever, "You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

Miyake's brow pinched, "Eh?" His eyes met Bakugo's, and they came to some sort of unspoken agreement, "Must be because of the break-in, they've got 3 pros included now."

Iida jumped from his desk, firm hand raised high in the air, "Sir! What kind of training will this be?" He asked loudly, sternly sitting back in his seat.

Miyake was nearly on the verge of disliking Iida, but was rather fond of his responsible attitude, he scoffed. Looking down at his hand, Miyake grimaced at the bandages still encasing his arms.

Miyake felt the fibers grazing against the hairs on his arm, making his skin crawl. Who knew what kind of nasty scar he'd be left with?

Miyake then smirked, his calloused and rough hands feeling his newfound scar that striped over his childhood one, "It's gonna look cool as hell."

Aizawa's monotone voice picked back up, "Rescue. You'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that." He said blandly, his chin seeming to bury deeper into his scarf as the attention was once again derived away from the task at hand.

Kirishima brightened with excitement, "Disasters, huh?"

"Sounds like we're in for a big workout!" 

Mina smiled, her fist raised in the air as she dramatically hopped in her seat, "Totally! Real hero stuff." Her eyes laid upon Miyake, who seemed rather apathetic at the moment.

Kaminari smirked, "This is what separates the men from the boys. I'm shakin' with excitement!"

"Finally, I get to show off how good I am in the water." Tsu mentioned, "Ribbit."

Miyake sighed and absentmindedly rested his hand in the cubby of his desk, flinching when he felt a notebook that wasn't present before. While the class erupted into clamoring chatters, Miyake divulged into the notebook with watery eyes. 

There were various hello kitty and other stickers that resembled girlish cartoons on the borders of each page, some still even in their packages.

There were pressed and expensive looking flowers decorating the edges, small notes from his classmates, clean handwritten notes or equations scribbled on a scarce amount of pages, and silly pictures of Aizawa in his sleeping bag during "study-time" with various amounts of "kawaii", "old-man", and "lol"s written on the side.

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