The Unknown

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Quote of the Day:

-Hoizer (Run For Me)

-Hoizer (Run For Me)

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"Maybe if I kill a few kids, he'll come out to play."

Miyake watched as Bakugo and Kirishima seemed to edge closer and closer to the teachers. Miyake narrowed his eyes, "There has to be one with a transmission quirk if the alarms aren't going off."

Aizawa didn't seem interested in whatever the students had come up with in their minds, the only thing he cared about was making sure his students stayed safe, "Thirteen, get them outta here and alert the main campus. Actually, if they've got the ability to block our sensors, they're likely jamming our communications too."

The teacher gazed back seriously at a specific student, "Kaminari, try using your quirk to contact the school." Aizawa said briefly before preparing his goggles and capture weapon.

Kirishima seemed appalled by Aizawa's lack of anxiety, "What're you gonna do? You can't fight them all on your own!"

Miyake glared at the redhead for even suggesting that Aizawa was incapable of fighting such puny villains, "He'll be fine, after all, what good is a hero with one technique?"

Aizawa smirked under his scarf, knowing he's said the same words to the boy once before, "He's right, you can't be a pro if you only have one trick."

A quiet 6 year old, following after a relatively young pro-hero, both occupying wings on their backs. Pro-Hero Heavenly Father (Tatsuo Tento) had stout yet wide, feathery, white wings.

Heavenly Father had a very intricate and creative hero costume. A light beige latex-like material covered his body with white and gold straps seated around his torso, thighs, and forearms. A gold belt seated at his hips, various gold objects in the pockets and a first aid-kit.

The little boy beside him had small black feathery wings, the wings were thick with baby feathers and were relatively fluffy. The wings hung low in almost a sad puppy manner, the boy was pouting deeply next to his father. 

"Miyake, stop moping over there. You will be able to train tomorrow, okay?"

The little boy sulked further, his wings almost dragging the floor, "Yes, sir."

Miyake didn't really want to train with Endeavour but he was rather scared that without him there, Mama and Sho-Kun would get hurt again. Miyake raised his brows and faked a gorgeous smile for his enthusiastic and blissfully unaware father.

The two of them walked further down the UA hallway, as they ended up at the end of the corridor, they stood in front of a large door. Miyake grimaced at the large stature in front of him, he was intimidated by the sheer height of the frame. Miyake sighed, knowing he was about to meet someone important.

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