Hanging Outs and a Date(?)

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Quote of the Day:

- Maya Angelou

- Maya Angelou

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Mina and Sero sat on Miyake's full-sized bed, Mina was underneath a mountain of blankets as Sero laid lazily over her covered legs. Denki was sitting at Miyake's desk, comfortably laying sideways in the gaming chair. 

Kirishima sat on the purple bean bag in the corner with Miyake standing beside him, leaning against the wall.

Miyake chuckled, "It's super lame, I know." Miyake looked around his own room, "You know, you guys are the only other friends I've had over other than Izuku and Katsuki."

Mina brightened up, her eyes gleaming, she smiled, "Speaking of which, what is your relationship with those two anyway? You all three seem pretty close yet, Bakugo and Deku don't get along very well it seems."

"Hah.." Miyake sighed, tilting his head down as he began to think about all the memories, "Well, it's not my place to speak on their personal lives. However, we've known each other since we were kids. Our parents had known each other before we were even born, so we grew up with each other, basically."

Kirishima nodded, "Makes sense," he melted into the bean bag, "but... something's weird about you and Midobro."

"You felt it too?!" Sero butted in, sitting up from Mina's lap, "I knew I wasn't the only one!"

Mina shook her head with a small smirk, "Oh, sweetie, you are definitely not the only one."

Denki blinked, spinning one last time in the chair, he tilted his head to the side, "Wait, are you guys talking about Deku and Miyake? Aren't they dating or something?"


"Even Kaminari knows." Sero muttered with a small chuckle, leaning back down in Mina's lap, cutting off Miyake's retaliation.

Miyake shook his head vigorously, his face tainted a bright red, "Me and Izuku aren't-"


Mina's eyes held stars as she cooed at the nickname, her hands entwined as she held them up to her cheek, "Aww..."

Miyake immediately opened the door to his room, peaking his head around to see his youngest brother with small tears in his eyes, "Eh, are you okay, TaeTae?"

Kim-Tae raised his arms, his hands signaling that he wanted Miyake to hold him, the small plush elephant held tightly in his arms, "I k-know you have... your fri-friends over b-but... can... can y-you hold me?"

"Of course, TaeTae, c'mere." Miyake bent down, grasping Kim-Tae from under his arms and holding the young boy closely to his beating chest. 

Miyake held Kim-Tae's body with one arm, cradling him like an infant, Kim-Tae's cries slowly subsided and he laid his head onto Miyake's shoulder. Miyake sighed quietly and closed the door, turning and facing his friends with a soft smile.

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