Game Over

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Quote of the Day:

- Billie Eilish (TV)

- Billie Eilish (TV)

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With Miyake and Uraraka's help, Iida passed the warp villain while Thirteen fought him off. Miyake was trying to calm his aching nerves, glad he actually didn't have to use that technique. Miyake was sure everything was working out as Iida passed the gates, yet when he turned around to check in on Aizawa, he suddenly became very angry.

"If you continue like this, you'll fall apart. Won't that be a shame?"

With five fingers wrapped around Aizawa's elbow, the villain had a tight grip on him, the disintegrating skin and bone exposing Aizawa to a deep sensation of excruciating pain. Miyake's eyes's widened and without thought, he rushed forward. 

"That annoying quirk of yours isn't suited for drawn‐out fights against big groups, is it? Don't you think you're a little out of your element here, Eraserhead? You're much better at working stealthily. You're known for surprise attacks, not fighting head‐to‐head."

The villain smirked eerily, "But despite knowing that, you didn't hesitate to jump into the middle of this fight. To put your students at ease.And look at you, you're still standing! You really are so cool! Oh, by the way, hero. I am not the final boss."

The villain was kicked harshly, Miyake's thick boot slamming into the side of the ringleader's head, shoving him off Aizawa and flying to the side. Miyake narrowed his eyes at the villain, satisfied at his muffled groans of pain.

Miyake quickly bent down and assessed Aizawa's injuries, "Aizawa-Sensei, I'm going to heal you okay? Stay still."

"Get o-out of here... Mi-Miyake..."

Miyake intentionally didn't answer, pretending not to hear his faint pleas. Miyake rested his glowing hands on Aizawa's bloody elbow, mildly disturbed by the flesh that peeled off the bone that seemed to be burning off like ash.

With Miyake's trembling hands glowing a faint purple, energy and matter seemed to seep from the ground into Miyake's tense shoulders and used to repair Aizawa's elbow. Through this process, Thirteen was forced out of commission by the warp gate.

The warp gate appeared behind a heaving Shigaraki, who likely had either a fractured skull or a broken jaw by now. Their muttering was ignored by a rather focused Miyake, Aizawa hadn't seen this version of Miyake since the sludge villain fight. 

Aizawa grimaced at the discomfort of his cells slowly being replenished and repaired, "Miyake... you need to get out of here now."

"Let's go home" Shigaraki scowled at the warp villain, seeming to be very disappointed, "Well, before we leave, let's make sure the Symbol of Peace is broken. Let's wreck his pride, let's make this hurt." And he lunged towards Miyake, having some sort of grudge now.

Miyake raised his head at an untimely moment, a palm searing into his vision as he vaguely felt fear for a moment. The feeling was fleeting rather fast, however, as Miyake's anxious expression turned rather monotone and then mildly disappointed.

"You really are cool... Eraserhead..." 

Miyake narrowed his eyes, grabbing the villains wrist and twisting horizontally, using enough speed to dodge the next hand that went towards his torso. Miyake quickly let out the black misty wings from his back and slammed them to the ground, sending the villain back.

Aizawa then noticed something rather ominous about Miyake's gaze, it was empty and seemed oddly slumped, as if he was bored or disappointed by the events. Aizawa had only enough strength to stop Shigaraki once again, the drastic stamina the healing process took drained him.

"Have no fear, students. I am here!"

Miyake blinked boredly at the Symbol of Peace, yet the small sigh of relief everyone else let out didn't go unnoticed by the seemingly calm teenager. Miyake's blue eyes quickly traveled over to an anxious Midoriya, their trembling gaze connecting as both of them melted slightly at the silent reassurance.

Aizawa's brows knit as he gazed up at a rather protective Miyake, the teenager seeming dull yet emotive when it came to protecting the teacher. Aizawa honestly felt useless at the moment, all he could do was take down the villains in the square, yet most of the students had to fight some on their own.

Aizawa cringed, they were children, students. They weren't even 16 yet, the thought alone sending dark shivers over Aizawa's skin. Aizawa then realized how mature Miyake really was, how much he had to've really been through, similar to Todoroki.

Both were so intelligent in regards (but not limited to) to their quirk, something that only comes with furiously training one's quirk and body. While Katsuki had good precision and accuracy with his quirk, he wasn't strategically or emotionally intelligent, making him a hard person to work with.

Other's like Shoji and Yaoyorozu were intelligent when it came to analysis and strategy but seem rather nervous when challenging themselves, making them later feel regret and sometimes anger from their lack of progress or strength.

Yet those two, while emotionally challenged and often hard to decipher, they were strategically smart and experienced. They were monsters.

Shigaraki smiled childishly, "Ah. Looks like our game's getting a continue."

"What a fucking loser, aren't you supposed to be a scary villain? Talking like that, you sound like a damn child." Miyake scowled, glaring darkly at the villain as his misty wings turned into a liquid-like state, shielding Aizawa.

Miyake tilted his head mockingly, "What a disappointment."

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