𝗕𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗹𝘆 𝗕𝗼𝗻𝗱

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Quote Of The Day:

- Michael Scott (Steve Carrell: The Office)

---- Let's say they did the class rep thing while Miyake was gone bc this is already 2000+ words and I hadn't even added that in yet---

"Son! You- You didn't tell us you were injured!" Tento cried, tears down his face as he looked up from his wheelchair and at his bandaged son, "How long have you been here?"

Miyake found himself frowning slightly, "You didn't notice I was gone?"

Woori-Yeong held her son's hand, gentle eyes peering at Miyake, "You messaged us, telling us you were staying with Izuku for training purposes. Yet, when we went to check in on you, Inko told us you were injured."

"I... I messaged you?" Miyake thought for a moment, then remembering that he had in fact lied to his parents, "Ah, I remember now." His head hung lower, looking into his father's clear and watery eyes with a guilty expression.

Miyake's bandaged and miniature sized wings drooped a bit, like he was a sad puppy getting scolded.

"Father, I..." Miyake paused, he wasn't sure what he wanted his father to hear, or what to tell him, "I know they have already told you my condition, but, what hadn't they told you?"

"They said you got these injuries while training, what happened?"

Miyake sighed, clenching his fist, "Katsuki was attacking Izuku, and I saved him."

Woori-Yeong pursed her soft lips, "Tento, wipe your tears, he's becoming a hero in a dangerous day and age. He is expected to get injured now."

"Not in training! They shouldn't have kids fighting like this, I need to talk to All Might!"

Miyake flinched back, pulling his hand away from his father and turning his head away from view, "Stop it! Just stop, please, go away. I don't want to hear this right now, after all, you're the one that wanted me to be a hero. Why are you just now rejecting this dream?"

Tento huffed, "Seeing you, like I once was, injured and on the verge of giving up, makes me want nothing more than to see you do what makes you happy. My own selfishness will never be more important than your own happiness."

The retired hero's trembling hand found itself on his son's hand once again, "I can't lose you like I lost your mother, and myself. You're not only my oldest, but you're also my first son, please be safer next time. And never be afraid to tell us."

"Yes, Father."

Woori-Yeong brought her small hand up to Miyake's bandaged eye, her hand gently grazing over the scar that had been on his face since childhood, "Your scar will now be covered by one from your best friend."

Miyake chuckled, "It's better than matching tattoos."

Tento rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "Make sure to give Katsuki one too one day, but be careful y'know? Just give him a good hitting!"


Miyake hugged his sleeping brother closely, his arm around his back with Kim-Tae's head on his breathing chest. Aimi was on Miyake's other side, her plump legs in his lap and her head on his shoulder, on her phone with droopy eyes, before she slowly fell asleep as well. Kenji glared at his brother, sitting on the edge of the thin-mattered bed.

"You could've lost your vision, you know? Or your hearing," Kenji crossed his arms angrily, "or even your life. How could you be so stupid?"

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