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Quote Of The Day:

- Quotes nd' Notes

- Quotes nd' Notes

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Miyake's lips lifted upward slightly, he had his hands in his pockets, currently staring Bakugo down with his icy azul eyes.

Bakugo growled out, "Hey! Fight me already!"

Miyake didn't understand why Bakugo would do what he was doing, constantly bullying Midoriya, messing with weaker people on purpose, and feeling above anyone that wasn't him.

It didn't really bother Miyake, he knew there were people out there who took out their own insecurities on others, yet he couldn't find himself to understand Bakugo. It just didn't make any sense to him.

"Bakugo-San, your mother would be disappointed to know that her son is a fucking bully, y'know?" Miyake said with a smile, half-halfheartedly intending to be mean.

But after his history with Bakugo, Miyake wasn't scared of him at all. Actually, you could say Bakugo and him were... friends?

It was hard to tell. Miyake's mother, Woori-Yeong, and Bakugo's mother, Mitsuki, were very good friends and often had lunch at their house. So while Miyake hadn't really met Midoriya, he had met Bakugo many times before.

They hung out a lot because Miyake was home-schooled up until 8th year, so they hung out a lot. However, he never knew that Bakugo was a certified bully.

Sure he was cocky and arrogant, loud and vulgar, but he never really bothered or hurt Miyake's feelings.

Was that just Miyake though? Unbothered by other's words of himself, or was it his own delusional visions that Bakugo was genuinely his friend?

It didn't matter, not when Miyake had found out that Bakugo was genuinely hurting someone, now it didn't matter how good of friends or how long they had known each other.

Bakugo, who called himself the No. 1 hero, was actually hurting someone, mentally and physically.

Miyake stood a foot ahead of Bakugo, they had met up after school, standing under a bridge, "You are burning him, Katsuki, he has scars."

Bakugo rolled his eyes, "Well if he wants to be a hero he should toughen up, he needs to learn that someone like him can't be a hero!"

Miyake glared at Bakugo, "Someone like him? You know," Miyake stepped ever so closer, probably inches from Bakugo's blaring red face, "for someone who claims to be a hero, you sure do like to hurt people, the opposite of a hero."

Miyake backed up a bit, frowning, "I was really starting to see something in you other than rage, and pity." Miyake said darkly, "Bakugo, until you fix your act up, I don't want to see you again, please."

Bakugo narrowed his eyes, sweat searing down his body, "Huh? You think you can order me to do something just because of what you think?! I couldn't give two shits, you aren't anything to me but a stepping stone to my success."

Bakugo chose to ignore the way Miyake's wings seemed to droop a bit, the black mass started to dissolve a bit and tun white on the ends.

"Get over it." Bakugo said.

Miyake sighed, not looking at Bakugo's eyes, he closed his eyes and walked past the blasty-boy silently.

Making his way under the bridge and not looking back, he knew he was delusional, there's no way Bakugo would ever really have a friendship with him. Miyake saw how he acted towards Midoriya, why would he be any different?

Miyake looked down at his phone to see a message from Midoriya, which basically said that he was excited for joining Miyake and his family tonight for dinner and a sleepover. Miyake smiled down at his phone, glad that Midoriya had a friend, and so did he.

As Miyake was looking down at his phone, he noticed that Midoriya was right ahead of him, seeming to be running away from something. Miyake sneered, thinking it might've been some bullies again.

However, when he saw a giant sludge monster following behind Midoriya, he realized that this was very serious.

Midoriya was relieved yet even more scared now that Miyake was here, all because he had to be so useless, someone else was going to get hurt.

He started screaming at Miyake, but didn't get very far as the sludge villain pounced on Midoriya.

Miyake dropped his bag quickly, throwing it to the side as his wings flung him forward. Miyake created a giant mass of black energy in his palms, sending it toward the villain who, in turn, blasted into pieces.

Miyake flew backwards with Midoriya in his arms, he observed that he wasn't hurt, so he let out the large sigh of relief he was holding.

Miyake turned back around to see the sludge villain piecing himself back together, and he scoffed, "How troublesome."

"What an interesting quirk, surely very powerful, and your wings, gorgeous. I guess this is fate, I want you as my vessel instead."

Miyake rolled his eyes, kneeling down and protecting himself as well as Midoriya who laid nervously in his arms with his wings. The wings covering Midoriya's entire being and Miyake's important features like his head and his arms who cradled Midoriya.

"This is a problem, I'm not supposed to use my quirk..." Miyake muttered, making Midoriya immediately unsettled, he didn't want Miyake to get in trouble because of him.

But they didn't have time for rational thoughts, not when the villain in front of them sent multiple attacks and was slowly getting closer and closer to the two. Miyake tried his best not to fight again, not when the press or the legal system could get involved.

Miyake had to think quickly, getting into the sunlight would involve other people, staying under here would end up in one of them dying and it wasn't about to be Midoriya.

"Izuku, I need you to hold on tight, okay?"

Miyake didn't wait for Midoriya's answer before his arms wrapped around Midoriya's body tighter, jumping forward and tucking his wings along his body, wrapping them around themselves before shooting forward like a bullet.

Midoriya was getting sick, yet all he did was clutch his hands around Miyake's shirt.

As they shot forward in a pit of black energy, Miyake's wings dissipated around the two of them and became a dome around the two teenagers, growing out of Miyake's back like liquid.

Except it wasn't, it was black matter, forging itself from Miyake's body, harnessed from the endless matter of the earth. Midoriya squeaked when Miyake slowly let go of him.

"All Might is here, try not to freak him out, yeah?" Miyake smiled down at a flushed Midoriya, who clutched his notebook in his shaking hands, a pen held in hand as he tried to write as much as he could down even with the anxious jittering that shook against his rib-cage.

"Uh.. U-Uh huh..."

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