Chapter 8

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Next day morning Atid left the Ananada Mansion without saying a word to Aroon.

Aroon felt dejected on seeing that Atid did not even say goodbye before leaving the house. Aroon left for the  university feeling low as Atid did not come to pick him up or call him.

At the university:

The music band is preparing for their concert to be held the next day. Aroon did not allow his mood to effect their practice as he did not want to let down his friends. Aroon kept looking at Atid but he did not even look at Aroon. Soon the practice session comes to an end and everyone leaves for their home to get some rest. Aroon looked for Atid everywhere but he was nowhere to be found. Aroon went home in tears unable to bear the pain of Atid's indifference. Aroon regretted opening up to Atid. He felt like he has scared Atid with his request.

Next day, the concert was a huge hit and the band celebrated their success with a party. In the party Panit announce another great news that their band has got a chance to perform a concert in US. Panit also informed everybody that the it is a one week tour that will start a week later.

Aroon knew it was time for him to inform his teammates that he will not be able to come as his engagement is also in the same week.

Aroon: Guys, I have something to tell you.

Panit: Yes Aroon

Aroon: I don't think I will be able to join you guys for the tour.

Everyone: WHAT?

Aroon: I am sorry guys. I am getting engaged next week.

Aroon looked at Atid for any reaction but he just sat in one corner without any expression.

Aroon: So, I cannot join the tour. I know it is a last minute decision but I am helpless.

Niran: But Aroon this is huge opportunity for you. Why don't you speak to your parents?

Aroon: They won't understand.

Panit: Let us talk to them.

Aroon: No. It's a part of a business deal and that is more important to them than me.

Niran: Aroon

Niran tries to console a crying Aroon while others except Atid looks at  him in pity.

Panit: Aroon,  let me try talking to your parents once. Let this be a farewell gift from us.

Aroon agreed after lot of persuasion.

Next day at Aroon's house:

Panit: Sir, we request you please allow Aroon to take part in the concert. Its a great opportunity for him.

Aroon's dad: No. We have something more important that day.

Niran: Sir, please consider this as an opportunity for Aroon to gain fame. You can use his fame to promote your business in future. Wouldn't it be great to be known as a famous singer's father.

Aroon's dad thought for some time and then agreed to send him for the tour but on one condition.

Aroon's dad: I will agree to send him for the concert but on one condition.

Everyone waited for him to speak further.

Aroon's dad: That he will not join the tour.

Aroon's dad points at Atid and speaks.

Aroon: NO

Atid: Okay

Everyone: ATID

Atid: I agree. I can do it for the band. It's easier to replace the drummer than the lead singer. It's just one concert. I agree.

Aroon feels sad that Atid did this for the band and not him.

Everyone agrees to the decision after pondering a lot.

Aroon's dad call up his partner and postpones the engagement and merger party. Aroon is happy and sad at the same time. He is happy to spend the last days of freedom with his friends while he is sad that Atid won't be there with him.

Two days later the band leaves for US without Atid.

In US:

It is the first day of the concert and Aroon is missing Atid so much. The new drummer is good but not as good as Atid.

The concert is a huge success and their names are splashed across the newspapers and television. They are getting recognized around the world. Aroon is praised by big and small stars for his beautiful voice and beauty but he still stayed away from press. He is still uncomfortable dealing with crowd. So his teammates always kept him company.

It is the last day of the concert and everyone are excited as well as sad. They are excited that the tour is a huge success while they are sad that the tour is coming to an end.

Aroon's POV:

Aroon finished the last song of the day with tears in his eyes. This will be the last time he will be performing with his bandmates. He gathered all his courage and stood before the whole crowd.

Aroon: Hello everyone

Crowd shouts back a hello.

Aroon: I would like to thank each and every one of you for giving us this opportunity to perform before you. Thank you for supporting us throughout this journey. I would also like to thank my teammates who have always stood by me and encouraged me to do better. I would like to thank my parents for everything they have done for me. Finally,  I would like to thank a special person who brought so much happiness and freedom into my life that I never thought I deserved.

Aroon looks at the camera and says

"Thank you Atid"

He then shuts his mike and murmurs

"I Love You"

Meanwhile not far from  there someone was watching the concert live on his television. As the camera focused on Aroon's eyes that are filled with tears, a tear escaped from the eyes of the person watching the show.


Unknown: Yes, Mr.Mike

Mike: Everything has been taken care of as per your command.

Unknown: Good

The unknown person once again looks at the screen showing Aroon's face.

Unknown: Everything will be alright my love. I am coming.

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