Chapter 23

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There was complete silence in Chanthara mansion as everyone sat around the dining table to have dinner. Aroon watched Atid playing with his food lost in his thoughts and hadn't touched his food at all. Aroon holds Atid's hand and takes the spoon from his hand. Atid looks him curiously. Aroon then scoops some of the food from Atid's plate and starts to feed him.

Aroon: Eat

Atid opens his mouth without any arguments. A smile appears on Atid's parents face on seeing this beautiful interaction. Aroon keeps feeding Atid until his plate is completely empty. He asks him to wash his hands and meet him in the garden.

Atid is waiting for Aroon in the garden. He is fidgeting with his hands as he ìs not sure how to interact with his mother. Suddenly he felt someone sit next to him. He turned his head to see Aroon sitting next to him. Aroon takes his hand in his hand and squeezes it.

Aroon: Atid

Atid: Hmm

Aroon: I know it is a difficult time for you. But I need you give your mother a chance. I need you to listen to your mother without interrupting her. Just give her 10 minutes of your life and may be it will heal that broken part of your heart that you have been carrying around for such a long time. Can you do that for me?

Atid: Hmm

Aroon: Thank you

Aroon places a kiss on his forehead and whispers an I love you in his ears. He then walks away from there.

Aroon finds Atid's mom standing at the door watching them.

Aroon: Mom, he is waiting for you.

Atid's mom : Thank you Aroon.

Aroon: Mom

Atid's mom: Hm

Aroon: Please forgive him if he says something rude. He has been bottling up his emotions for such a long time. It may burst out in wrong way.

Atid's mom: I understand

Aroon: Thank you.

Aroon walks into the house while Atid's mom walks towards Atid. She sits down next to Atid but he does not look at her.

Atid's mom: Atid

Atid does not say anything and just sits there staring at something in distance. Aom decides to say whatever she had in her mind as he is listening.

Atid's mom: I know you are angry with me for abandoning you. I didn't have much choice at that time. I had to choose between my life and your future and I chose your future.

Atid looks at her curiously.

Atid's mom: Years back when I left you, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Atid turns his head to look at his mother in shock.

Atid's mom: At that time, your father was just starting his business and you were too small. I didn't want to be a burden on your father. So I decided to go away from here.

Atid's mom told Atid everything that happened in her life after leaving them. By the end of the story, Atid's eyes were filled with tears.

Atid: Why didn't you come back mom?

Aom was overwhelmed to hear Atid call her mom.

Atid's mom: I did come back son but...

Atid's mom told what she saw and heard the day she came back looking for them.

Atid hugs his mom and starts to cry.

Atid: I am so sorry mom. I never meant all those things. The kids in my class made fun of me saying that my mom ran away because you didn't want me. I was really heartbroken and angry at that time. I didn't mean to push you away Mom. I am so sorry.

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