Chapter 14

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Aroon's POV:

It's been a week since I last saw Atid. He said he would be back in 2days but got held back by some unscheduled meetings. We tried being in touch with each other through phone but time difference between the two countries and heavy workload hardly gave us any free time. It's the first time I am staying away from him for such a long time and I miss him so much. I wish I could see him now.

Aroon is staying at Atid's house but he missed Atid so much that he came to their condo to spend some time in the place filled with their memories. As he sat there lost in his thoughts, he heard the doorbell ringing. He quickly ran to open the door as Niran had said he would pick him up. As soon as he opened the door the smile on his face disappeared.


Atid's POV:

It's been a week since I last saw him and I missed him so much. I tried finishing all my work as soon as possible so that I can be back home to see his beautiful smile. I don't know why I feel like everything is going to be fine whenever I see him.

I just reached my home and rang the bell. My sister Love opened the door and she is so happy to see me. I then met my dad and spend some time with him. All these while my eyes are searching for him. But he was nowhere to be found.

Love: He is not here.

Atid: Huh

Love: PAroon is not here.

Atid: His class is supposed to be over an hour ago. Did he say he would be late?

Love: No

Atid felt a bit uneasy. So he called Niran to know about Aroon's whereabouts. Niran informed him that Aroon is in their condo and he is on his way to pick him up. Atid is relieved to know that Aroon is safe but he wanted to see him as soon as possible. He asks Niran not to go to the condo as he is already back in Thailand. Atid bids goodbye to his father and sister and heads to his condo.

At the condo:

Atid has been ringing the bell for last 5 minutes but no one opens the door. Suddenly he heard shuffling sound from inside followed by a crash sound. He knew something was wrong. So he searched for his spare key and opened the door. As soon as he entered the house he is shocked to see things scattered on the floor. He quickly runs to his bedroom calling Aroon's name.

Atid : Aroon...Aroon

As he enters his bedroom his jaws clenched in anger seeing the scene before him. He saw Aroon lying on the floor with his shirt torn and bruises on his body and face while a guy stood towering over him with his hand on Aroon's collar and other hand raised to hit him.


Third party POV:

Prem's hand freezes midair on hearing a thundering sound calling his name. He looked behind him and fear flashed through his eyes on seeing the murderous look in Atid's eyes. He let go off Aroon and tries to escape from there but Atid is already standing before him holding his neck. Atid's first punch connected to his chin and a loud crack sound is heard along with his cry in pain. Atid's mind has gone numb after seeing Aroon's condition and he kept on punching Prem in anger. Suddenly someone caught his hand and  tries to stop him but he pushrs that person away as he wanted to kill that bastard Prem.

"Atid, stop."

"No, let me go Niran. I am going to kill this bastard."

"Atid, please stop. Look at Aroon. You are the only one he has got. Please don't do anything that you will regret later. "

Atid breaks down into Niran's arms on hearing Aroon's name. Soon police came and arrest Prem.

Atid calm down after some time and runs towards Aroon who is lying on the ground groaning in pain. He looks at Niran who stood beside him looking at Aroon with tears in his eyes.

Atid; How... How did you know?


Niran was on his way to pick up Aroon when he got a call from Atid saying that he is back in Thailand. So he decided to go back to his dorm. Suddenly he received a call from Aroon. When he picked up the call, all he could hear was muffled noises and then a loud scream. He quickly called the cops and ran towards Aroon's condo.

As he reached the condo he was shocked to see an injured Aroon lying on the floor while Atid was punching someone in anger.

Present time:

Atid looked at Aroon lying on the hospital bed covered in bandages. He whole body has bruises that has turned purple. Tears start9 flowing from his eyes as he could not bear Aroon's pain. He felt guilty for leaving Aroon alone. He cried like a child holding Aroon's hand.

Atid: I am sorry Aroon. I am so sorry for not taking care of you. Please forgive me. I am sorry, I could not protect. I am sorry, I could not keep my promise to keep you safe. I am so so sorry.

Atid continues to cry as he is unable to bear the pain of seeing Aroon lying like this.

"Atid "

Atid is stunned to hear his name being called. He looks up to see Aroon looking at him with eyes filled with tears.

Atid: Aroon

Aroon: I...I am sorry for not lis...listening to you. I... I

Aroon hissed in pain as he tried to talk.

Atid: Shush...Shush. Please stop talking. It's causing you pain.

Aroon: But I..

Atid: Please Aroon. Just rest for today. We will talk tomorrow. I will be here when you wake up.

Aroon: Promise?

Atid: Promise.

Atid slowly got on the bed beside Aroon and gently took Aroon in his arms. Aroon's head lie on Atid's chest while his arm are wound around his waist possessively. Atid then gently ran his fingers through Aroon's hair.

Aroon raised his head and smiled at him weakly.

Aroon: I missed you.

Atid: I missed you too.

Soon both drifted into sleep as the day's tiredness caught up with them.

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