Chapter 22

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Aroon is at a cafe near his apartment waiting for someone. Earlier today he convinced Atid to attend his classes as the exams are nearing and he did want him to miss anymore classes. Atid agreed on the condition that he will stay at home and take complete rest. Aroon agreed but had to sneak out to meet someone as it was really important.

Aroon is sitting at his table drinking milk tea when he realize someone's presence near his table. Hesmiles at that person.

Aroon: Hello Dr.Aom. Please sit.

Dr.Aom: Thank you. How can I help you Aroon? You could have just visited me at my clinic.

Aroon: It's not about me. It's about Atid.

Dr.Aom looked at me in shock.

Dr.Aom: You know.

Aroon: Yes. The resemblance is uncanny.

Dr.Aom: He will not like it if he see you talking to me.

Aroon: I know but I need to do this.

Dr.Aom: But why?

Aroon: Because you are his mother. You are that wound in his heart that has not healed yet. I want to help him heal that wound.

Dr.Aom: You love him a lot.

Aroon: Of course I do. Who wouldn't? It hurts him to see you but he still sat with me through your session only for me. He is my entire world and I love him so much.

Dr.Aom: I can see the feeling is mutual. He has hearts in his eyes whenever he looks at you.

Aroon smiles on hearing doctor's words.

Aroon: He was not like this when I first met him. He got angry whenever anyone said they liked him. He didn't believe in love. He didn't trust anyone. Eventhough he said he didn't believe in love, he took care of everyone around him. He was one of the nicest person I met in my life.

Aom smiles on hearing how much Aroon adores her son.

Aroon: I felt like the luckiest person in the world when he asked me to marry him. Eventhough we got married because he wanted to get me out of a bad situation, I fell in love with him. My happiness had no bounds the day I realized that he loved me too. But my selfishness almost got us separated. I was so impacted by outsiders words that I decided to leave him. He was heartbroken that day. He told me I am free to go. That day I realized how much I love him. The thought of living without him drove me to take my own life. If I had succeeded that day, I would have left behind a completely broken Atid.

Tears form in Aom's eyes on feeling Aroon's pain.

Aroon: I want to heal my Atid's heart completely. I want him to have a complete family as he always dreamt of. Dr.Aom, you are the only one who can help me.

Dr.Aom: Will he forgive me Aroon?

Aroon: He has a big heart Dr.Aom. You just need to tell the truth and love him. He will forgive you and accept you.

Dr.Aom: I will try to talk to him.

Aroon: Thank you Dr.Aom.

Dr.Aom: Just call me mom Aroon.

Aroon: Thank you Mom.

They left the cafe after sometime promising to meet soon.

Next day was weekend, so there was no classes for Atid and Aroon. Atid had some urgent work to do. So he left home early morning. Aroon took that opportunity to call Atid's mom and asked her to meet him at an address.

Chanthara Residence:

Aom was feeling nervous as she stood outside the Chanthara residence.

Aom: Are you sure about this?

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