Chapter 13

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Atid and Aroon returned to Thailand a week ago. They stayed with Atid's family for couple of days until their new condo was set up completely.

Life has been comfortable for Atid and Aroon in their house. Aroon prepared breakfast and dinner for them while Atid took care of cleaning and other small things. They hardly got time to spend with each as both were busy with their studies and other projects that were pending. Even with their hectic schedule they always made sure to spend an hour together everyday telling each other how their day was and if they had any problems that need to be addressed. They also made sure to visit Atid's family once in a week as they were the only family Aroon had. A month went by and they finally had a break from their hectic schedule and got a much needed break of 2 days.

At the condo:

Atid and Aroon are having their breakfast in silence until Atid recieve a call from someone.

Atid: Hello PMike

Mike: Hello Atid. I am sorry to disturb you on your day off but I need to discuss something urgent.

Atid: It's okay PMike.

Mike: We have a new deal that need to be closed as soon as possible but the client is adamant that they need to meet you in person.

Atid: Hmm. I will  be there. Please book the tickets and also send me the client documents.

Mike: Okay. By the way, how is Aroon?

Atid: He is doing great. I will pass the phone to him.

Aroon: Hello PMike. How are you?

Mike: I am good. How about you? Is Atid treating you well.

Aroon: He is a really nice person. I am really happy.

Mike: I am happy to hear that. By the way I am going to take your husband away for 2 days. I hope you don't miss him too much.

Aroon: PMiiiike (whining tone and shy)

Mike: Okay...okay. On a serious note I can arrange a ticket for you too.

Aroon: No it's okay. I will stay with dad and love.

Mike: Alright then. Talk to you later. Take care.

Aroon: You too.

Aroon disconnects the call and plays with his spoon as a big smile appears on his face.

Atid: Why are you blushing? What did he say that you are smiling and blushing so much? (Irritated tone)

Aroon: Nothing. He was just cracking some jocks.

Atid is a bit irritated that Aroon never smiled like that while talking to him.

Aroon quickly walks away from there to avoid any further questions.Atid is frustrated by Aroon's answer but tries to avoid it as he had something important to work on.

Later that day:

PMike had booked a late night flight for Atid as he had a meeting with the client next day morning. Atid decides to drop Aroon at Atid's family house and then go to the airport. But Aroon insisted on going to airport with him.

Atid: Aroon, please try to understand. If you come to airport with me, you will have to go back home alone. It's not safe. Please let me drop you home and I will go from there.

Aroon: NO

Atid: Aroon please

Aroon: No means No. I want to come with you.

Atid: But why? I will be back in 2 days.

Aroon(in mind): 2 days, that's 48 hrs, which is 2880 minutes and that's 172800 seconds that I have to be away from you. I will miss you.

Atid: Aroon

Aroon remains stubborn and does not even look at Atid.

Atid: Okay. You can come but on one condition. Niran will also come with us so that I don't have to worry about you.

Aroon agrees happily.

At the airport:

Atid, Aroon and Niran are standing at the airport departure when Atid's flight is announced. He quickly checks all his documents and turned to Aroon to say goodbye.

Atid: So, that's my flight. I need to go and check in now.

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: Please don't go anywhere alone and stay with our family.

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: Niran please take care of him and accompany him if he need to go somewhere. I don't trust his parents or Prem to be anywhere near him.

Niran: I will take care of him.

Atid hugs Niran and thanks him. He then looks at Aroon once again.

Atid: Take care Atid. I will call you once I reach there.

Aroon: Hmm

Aroon does not look at Atid as he is afraid Atid would see the tears forming in his eyes.

Atid: Bye then.

Aroon does not say a word. He wanted to hug Atid and tell him how much he will miss him. But he is afraid Atid would feel uncomfortable by his actions. He waited for a minute and then looks up to see Atid once more before he enters the airport. But his entire body freezes when he see Atid still standing there looking at him. He could not look into his eyes anymore and bowed his head down. He then felt a hand holding his chin and bringing his face up. He closed his eyes tightly unable to look into those fierce eyes staring at him.

Atid: Aroon. Please open your eyes.

Aroon slowly opens his eyes and looks at Atid. A tear drops from his eyes as Atid looks at him with love and concern in his eyes.

Atid: What happened? Why are you crying?

Aroon: I...I... I don't know. I think I am just being silly but I am going to miss you.

Atid: I  will miss you too Aroon.

Aroon looks at Atid in shock as he slowly holds his head and places a kiss on his forehead.

Atid: I will be back soon. Just take care of yourself for me.

Aroon: Hmm.

Atid finally bids his goodbye and enters the airport while Aroon stands there looking at him walking away.

Meanwhile there was someone standing nearby looking at his two friends interaction.

Niran's POV:

Niran is looking at Aroon and Atid standing there saying goodbye to each other. Niran knew about Atid and Aroon's fake marriage but what surprised him are the emotions that he can see in his friends eyes. He always knew that Aroon loved Atid but looking at Atid now, he realized that Atid is also head over heels in love with his bestfriend. They are just two idiots who are trying to hide the most obvious thing, their love. One hides his love in the fear of losing the one he loves while the other pretends not to believe in love because of his fear of heartbreak. Niran is not sure how this situation  will get resolved but he know for sure that neither of them will be happy without the other.

After Atid's flight take off, Niran brings a very sad Aroon to Atid's house. He along with Atid's family try to cheer him. Eventhough he smiled for everyone's sake, his smile never reached his eyes. There was only one person who could  bring out that beautiful dimpled smile on his face and that person is none other than his Atid. Aroon waited counting seconds for Atid to come back so that he can breathe freely once again.

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