Chapter 15

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It's been a week since Aroon got discharged from the hospital. Eventhough his wounds have healed to some extent,  the mental trauma caused by the incident caused him distress. Atid could not forget that one night when he saw how much that incident had impacted Aroon.


It's been 2 days since Aroon came back from the hospital. He was unusually jittery and restless. He panicked even if Atid left him alone for a second. He would just hold his hand and walk around the house.

Aroon and Atid used to sleep in separate rooms but now Aroon begged him to sleep in his room. So he agreed and shifted to Aroon's room.

At night Aroon took a long time to sleep as he was nervous and fidgeting a lot. Atid took him in his arms and tried to calm him down. After a long time he finally slept. Atid gently laid him on the  bed and went out to do some pending college work which was due the next day. About 30 minutes later he was jolted from his seat by a ear piercing scream from the room which was followed by a crash sound. Atid ran into  the bedroom and was shocked to find a disheveled looking Aroon sitting in one corner of the room holding a piece of glass in his hand. Atid slowly approached him.

Atid: Aroon, dear please look at me. It's me Atid.

Aroon: Don't come near. Don't come..I will stab myself if you come near me.

Atid: No. Aroon please don't hurt yourself. Please look at me Aroon.

Atid's eyes began to fill with tears on seeing Aroon's condition. He needed to get that piece of glass before he hurt himself. He tried reaching him once again.

Atid: Aroon, please throw that piece of glass. No one is going to hurt you. Please...

Aroon: No...No...Atid where are you? Please help me Atid.

Aroon was in so much distress that he could not recognize Atid. Atid quickly comes up with an idea to get the glass put of Aroon's hands.

Atid: Aroon look, Atid is standing near the door.

As Aroon turns around to look at the door, Atid quickly tackles him and gets the glass out of his hands. He then holds Aroon in arms and tries to calm him down.

Atid: Sh..Shush..It's me Atid. Calm down Aroon. I am here with you. No one's gonna hurt you.

Aroon struggles a little but finally calms down on recognizing Atid. Atid then slowly picks him up and carries him to the bed. He then lays down and pulls Aroon close to his body. He keeps whispering sweet nothings in his ears until he slowly falls asleep hugging Atid like his life depended on him.

As Atid looked at the sleeping figure of Aroon, tears started to flow down his eyes as he could no longer hold back his emotions.

Atid(mind): I am sorry Aroon. I am sorry for not protecting you. I promise I will never leave you alone. I will always protect you.

Flashback ends.

Atid looks at Aroon who is sitting at the table and eating his breakfast. He look so dull and lost that Atid felt like he is a ghost of the old Aroon. He no longer smiles or jokes around. Atid missed his bubbly and smiling Aroon.

Atid decided to bring Aroon to college today as he wants to give him a change of scene. He also thought their friends may be able to help him bring the old Aroon back.

Atid: Aroon

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: Are you ready?

Aroon: Hmm

Atid: Let's go.

At the college:

As they enter the college, Atid could feel people staring at him and Aroon who is standing next to him holding his hands. Aroon flinches when flash light hit his eyes as someone takes their picture. Atid quickly pulls him behind his back and glared at the guy who took the picture.

Atid: Delete it.

Unknown: Why should I?

Atid moves forward and holds the guy's collar.


Everyone could see a fear flash in that guy's eyes as Atid stood before him with formidable aura. It was nerve breaking for everyone standing around them. The guy quickly deleted the photo and apologized to Atid. He scrambled away from there.


Everyone left from there leaving behind Atid and Aroon.

Aroon: Atid

Atid looks at Aroon looking at him with fear in his eyes. Atid quickly runs towards him and holds his hand.

Atid: Hey..Hey. it's okay. No one's gonna hurt you. I am here. Sorry if I scared you with my voice.

Aroon just nods his head and hold onto Atid's hand tightly.

Atid walks him to his class and asks him to go in. Aroon stood there shaking his head not letting go of his hand.

Atid: Aroon,  please go to your class. Look who is here.

A smile appeared on Aroon's face on seeing Niran standing next to him.

Atid: Aroon, please go to your class with Niran. I will come to pick you up after the classes. Niran please take care of him for me.

Niran: I will.

Atid: Thanks man. I owe you one.

Aroon reluctantly let of Atid and went inside with Niran.

Atid's POV:

Eventhough I left him with Niran, I could not help thinking about him. I kept wondering how he is doing in his class and whether he has eaten something. I kept on glancing at my watch but the time seem to be running slow. Finally the classes are over and I dash out of the class towards Aroon's faculty.

As I enter his faculty building, I could immediately sense that something is wrong. There is a crowd gathered before Aroon's class. As I move through the crowd, I see a furious Niran fighting with some boys. I recognized one of them as the boy who took our picture in the morning. I look around for Aroon and see him standing inside the class with tears in his eyes as a boy is standing before him blocking his way.

Atid runs towards the guy holding Niran's hands behind him. He caught hold of his collar and threw the guy onto the nearest wall.Everyone turns around on hearing the loud crashing sound. The boys see an angry looking Atid standing before them while one of their friends lie on the ground groaning in pain.

Atid turns his gaze towards the guy standing before Aroon and shouts at him in anger.


The guy flinches on hearing Atid's roar. He slowly moves aside and let Aroon come out. Aroon quickly runs towards Atid and hugs him tight.

Atid: It's okay. I am here now. No one's gonna hurt you. Calm down Aroon.

Atid looks at the boys standing in front of him with anger. He wants to knock them down but refrain from doing so as he did not want to scare Aroon. He just stares at them with piercing eyes filled with threat.

Atid: This is the last warning for you guys. DO NOT COME NEAR HIM. If you try to hurt him once again, I will not spare any one of you. I will make sure that none of you will ever step into this campus ever again if I see you anywhere near Aroon.

He looks at each one of them once again as they stood there with their heads hanging low.


They all nod their heads in Yes but does not utter a single word in fear.

Atid: Good.

He takes Aroon's hand in his hand and looks at Niran who is standing there looking at him with a smile on his face.

Atid: Let's go Niran.

All three of them walk away from there.

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