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"We were on the hunt for golden eyes." Nicole stated before taking another bite of her BLT. "My skill set was of use to your father so we spent about a month trailing him. That was until your father got a call and we parted ways." Her thoughts ran back to John, all of it was a truth, besides the actual year. She'd met John Winchester in 1985, it was when he truly began hunting Azazel. She hadn't seen John since the 80s, though she'd never met his boys till now, John had talked about them on his many adventures. Last contact was more recent, but it was of no use to note.

"Do you know who the caller was?" She shrugged, plucking a piece of bacon from her plate, glancing to Dean who was inhaling his burger while Sam let his food get cold. Sam was the one with all the questions, the one who surely didn't trust her.

"Bobby? I think that was the name, it's been so long." Bobby Singer was one of John's many trusted friends, he'd met Nicole a few times in the 80s, though her goal was to never have too many people know her face. After all there was no changing the looks beyond hair and makeup.

"Makes sense." Sam sat back, finally letting his guard down enough to eat. Nicole glanced around, her eyes settling on a younger female, her hood was up, her scent, well dead. She closed her eyes for a moment, counting heartbeats, one lacking to match the number of bodies.

"Excuse me." She dusted the crumbs from her hands and sat her napkin on her plate before getting up. The girl knew she was nearby, her body shifting in her seat uncomfortably as Nicole approached, speaking very softly. "We all do enjoy cloudy days. Saves us from the sunburn."

"You wouldn't know, you don't smell like one of us."

"You're right." Nicole laughed, sitting beside the girl before glancing back to the boys. "Listen, do you know anything about the blood supplier who died in town?"

"No, but I do know I'll be moving." She scoffed, taking a sip of her coffee. "We're all gonna starve here. Not unless we go for the veins, but the town is too small."

"How big is the nest?"

"There are five of us. Brooks is the oldest, probably about 50 years old." She glanced to Nicole, grey under her eyes. "The mortician was our friend. He brought blood weekly to us. He didn't show up and we're running low. Found out someone snuffed him out."

"Yeah, figured as much." Nicole dug in her pocket, sliding the girl a card. "Listen about 50 miles north is another town, another supplier, tell him Clark sent you. If he's already got a nest then he'll send you to another town, but at least he's got some resources." She took the card, examining it before laughing.

"Science lab, accurate cover story." She stood, looking back to Nicole. "I appreciate it. Listen, get whoever killed him, he was a good guy." Nicole nodded, lowering her eyes a moment before she walked away.

"Who was that?" She heard Dean ask as he approached.

"Dr. Winter's assistant. Poor girl is scared shitless." She signed, leading the way outside. "It's not vampires it's a demon. It has to be."

"We have no facts that it is..."

"But we do." She spun on her heels looking to Sam. "It's the son. We need to check him out. I got a good idea of where we can find him." She motioned to the rundown hospital across the street. "The photo, it was taken there. In that garden, I remember seeing that building behind them."

"You think the son is locked up in the looney bin?" Dean laughed, already walking across the street. "I'm in for checking it out."

"You think they'll let you two in? Dressed like that?" She chuckled, following after Dean.

"She's got a point. We don't really look like doctors and they aren't going to let FBI talk to a insane individual."

"Let me give it a go." She walked past Dean who had stopped at the door. He scoffed, mimicking what she had just said before she walked inside, leaving them to wait out front.

"Visiting hours are over." The woman at the desk stated before looking up.

"Hi, I'm doctor Watson." Nicole flashed a smile, locking her line of vision with the nurse's. Compulsion was one of the many talents she had, a smile crossing her face. "You're going to let me in, you'll believe I'm a doctor and hand me a visitor pass. You'll forget I was ever here." She repeated everything Nicole said as she handed her a pass, a hallow smile crossing her lips as she nodded. Nicole took the pass, walking by the desk and down the hall.

Names were on each door, She didn't stop till she saw Winters in black writing. A sigh escaped her as she walked inside, he was sitting in a chair, completely zoned out. If a vampire were to drink his blood they'd surely be high.

"Hello." She simply stated, yet got no response even as she crouched to take the the boy's head between her hands. His eyes finally locked onto hers, though guilt overtook her for a moment. "You will tell me what you saw." His heart rate increased, panic was setting in as he stared at her.

"B-B-black eyes. Nurse with black eyes." He shoved her away, he started screaming the words black eyes till a nurse came in and looked to Nicole.

"Get out! He's having a fit." She nodded, stepping out of the room, she placed her hand over her heart, her pulse ever so slightly elevated. The fear leaking off of that boy was enough to even raise her pulse.

"Black eyes." Nicole mumbled, glancing as the nurse closed the door, she was human, not the nurse he was referring to at all. A sigh escaped her as she wandered back towards the front desk, stopping in front of a file room. The least she could do was give the Winchesters something. She grabbed Winter's file before making her way back outside. She simply handed it to Sam, sighing before she sat on the curb. She needed a beer and a blood bag. The kid's scream of black eyes still playing in her mind.

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