Death's Friend

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"I'll see you boys soon." Bobby hung up, Nicole's eyes raised from the journal she was reading, she had heard the whole conversation, perks, or in this case downfall of her hearing. It had been months since they'd seen them. she looked to Bobby who was doing his best to hide his emotions.

"I can't believe he's gone." She mumbled, closing the book before standing. Bobby sat down, rubbing his face. Silence fell on the pair, Nicole excusing herself outside, the warm midday air even more suffocating. Her blood was boiling as she paced the ground, her body aching to shift. The car lot was silent as she looked to the tow truck entering the lot, dragging in a mangled impala, her heart sinking even more.

"Where do you want it?" The man hollered, she simply pointed near the engine pulley, after all the whole thing would need to be worked. The tow truck was done in mere moments, her eyes locked on the car. It was moments before she finally walked over, yanking open the door and taking in the demolished look of it all. She could smell Dean, Sam, and John's blood, dried into the leather that her fingers ran over.

"You took a beating old girl." She sighed, wandering over to the open tool chest and decided to get to work. First step would just be emptying the car, pulling the engine, and starting from just the body.

"Hey hey! Whose working on my- oh." she pushed herself from under the car, looking at a weakened Dean and a tired Sam. A small smile crossed her features and in a blur she raced to embrace them both. An arm around each brother as she closed her eyes. "Ay...easy." She let them go, locking her jaw as not to let tears leave her eyes.

"I'm just glad you two are okay." She took the duffle bags from them both, leading the way inside. Sam found himself a spot on the sofa, his eyes closed within minutes. Dean and her back at the impala looking over the damage.

"I don't know where to start."

"I do." She stated, looking into the tool chest once again. "Dean, I'm sorry about your father." He huffed, she could hear him tinkering under the hood.

"It's not your fault, hell it isn't even ours."

"Why didn't you call me?" She mumbled, glancing to him. "I could have helped maybe." Dean stopped for a moment, looking at her before looking back down at the car.

"I a coma. Otherwise trust me, I would have in a heartbeat." His pulse was steady, truth in every word. Yet she could feel his heart breaking, aching in his chest. She grabbed a tool, wandering over to him and handing it over. A large gash on his forehead.

"May I?"

"Is it gonna...?"

"What hurt? Or turn you?" She laughed slightly. "Neither. You'd need about a shots worth of my blood to turn and well you would need to die in about 24 hours." He nodded, leaning against the front of the car as she looked at the wound. Nicole let her two fangs descend, pricking her thumb before gently running it over the wound. It healed, soaking up the blood she'd applied. Her own thumb soaking in the blood remaining on her skin as the prick disappeared. "There. All fixed." she gave a nod, going back to look at the car, plotting the process of removing the seats.

"How did you, turn?" He asked, though they didn't look at each other, just simply kept working on their own parts of the impala project.

"It was Egyptian times. My father was a very powerful man. The pharaoh." It was easy to tell the story now, after all centuries and thousands of years had pasted. "Back then being the first born and a daughter was nearly a death sentence. If your parents had a little brother then well it was only a matter of time. My father was a wolf, he only turned on full moons. No one knew his secret. My mother a witch. I never knew I carried either of the genes. On my 16th birthday my brother turned 10 and father was dying. He um...he got his men to take me to the market for whatever I wanted." Chills ran up her spin, even in the heat the hairs on her arm stood up. "They did and then they took me to the desert. I was beaten and raped. Left for dead. My maker, he found me, asked me if I wanted to live long enough to watch my enemies die. I thought that simply meant maybe 40-50 years. I remember the pain of his blood entering my system and the taste. He told me I had to feed in 24 hours otherwise I would die." She yanked out the chair, sitting it aside with the corresponding bolts. "I went home and the look of shock on my father's face. He said since my men can't kill you I'll kill you myself. I only remember stabbing him. Watching the life leave his eyes and the hunger. The only reason I became a hybrid was because I killed him before my first feed as a vampire. Pure luck or a curse depending on how you look at it." She laughed slightly, sitting on the ground and working on the next seat's bolts. "Only way to make a hybrid is if they simply have all the genes, then well they have to have not had their first kill. Granted I'd never wish this on anyone. I suppose at least I'm a different breed of vampire than most. I'm not a fan of all those teeth." She heard Dean's tools stop clanking, his footsteps coming over to the opposite side of the car. He looked at her and saw sympathy in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. You know, Sam and I we worked this case. A nest of vampires who fed off of animals. It made me realize not every supernatural is a monster."

"Ya know, I admit I did wrong. Centuries ago I was...exactly angry monster. Bitter." Nicole looked away from him, back at what she was working on.

"If it helps you're good in my book." She looked up, forcing a smile before looking back down.

"Thanks Dean. That actually means a lot."

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