Case Closed

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Hello everyone! Thanks for reading, I am planning to rewatch supernatural and sort of base this in order of the show. For now we're just getting to know our characters. I love comments. They make chapters come way faster. I've had this story in my drafts for years and thought let me finally finish it while I rewatch the series. So please comment, message me, vote. I love feedback.
Thank you - T


"Run!" Nicole yelled, coming their way as she sprinted down a hall, of course demon in tow. She ran by them, a smirk on Dean's face as the demon stopped in it's tracks right under the trap they'd drew on the ceiling.

"Amazing what a little paint and a ladder can do." The demon growled, yet glared at Nicole as Sam began reading from the book to destroy it. It started screeching before being pulled from the body, bursting into flames and disappearing into ash as it was destroyed from its black smoke form. Nicole sighed, looking around before staring at the body. Blood was pooling from the woman's mouth.

"That's all folks." She mumbled, looking into the nearest room before she grabbed the body by the wrists and pulling in into the room. "Poor woman." Nicole looked to Dean before looking back down at her. Sam was flipping the ceiling tiles of the hospital hall so that people wouldn't know what just occurred.

"You uh, have some stamina, you weren't even out of breath running from that thing." She huffed a laugh, stepping over the body.

"A little track doesn't hurt that's for sure. Let's get out of here and get on the road. I've had enough of this town."

"Agreed." Sam grumbled, hopping off the ladder as Dean led the way to the car. By the time they'd made it back to the hotel Nicole's car had already been grabbed by whoever her friend was and long gone at that. Nicole grabbed her things from her room, only one duffle and tossed it in the trunk of the impala. Her backpack she kept close to her at all times, surely filled with whatever weapons she'd cherished. It wouldn't be best to push her yet. It was silent in the car for the first few miles, besides Dean's stomach growling.

"When you met our dad, did he tell you where he was planning to go?" Sam glanced back at her, slightly turning in his seat to actually look at her.

"No, but that is John Winchester, he goes where ever he is being pulled. There isn't enough hunters on this plant. You know the gigs, we constantly jump from town to town." Dean looked in the review mirror, her gaze seemed to be locked onto nothing, seemingly in her own world. "Demons alone keep me busy."

"What else do you hunt?"

"To be fair, I hunt demons though sometimes it doesn't end up being one. I've hunted poltergeist, shifters, disturbed spirits, werewolves."

"What about vampires?" Dean looked to her, she shifted where she sat slightly, her gaze finally pulling from where it was locked.

"Vampires and werewolves are rarely ones to cause trouble. They simple want to exist. If they don't kill human I tend to let those go." She looked down for a moment. "I find that some monsters are not monsters at all. They're simple stuck with the hand they have been dealt."

"Yeah, well Sam has been mentoring me in the ways of forget and let live." He rolled his eyes slightly, glancing to Sam who smirked slightly.

"It's the right thing to do, don't you think?"

"Eh whatever. A monster is a monster Sammy." He could tell his statement made Nicole uncomfortable, she looked away from him, her eyes falling to the window. The woman was a mystery, she always kept her cards close to her chest, only revealing what she seemingly had to at time. Sam glared at Dean, going back to one of his books like he always did.

Silence once again filled the car until we closed in on Bobby's house, Sam raising his eyes to look at the familiar sign. Nicole had her eyes closed, simply listening to the radio with her head resting against the glass. Dean only knew she was awake by her eyes opening once in awhile to glance at him before closing again.

"Damn it's good to be back here." Dean mumbled, shoving the car into park before getting out.

"Whose house?" Nicole chimed in as she stepped out, stretching as she surveyed the area, mainly the massive car lot that was Bobby's front yard.

"Bobby Singer. He's our point of contact and home base." Dean watched Nicole's mood change before his very eyes, dare he say concern blanketed her features as she looked to Sam, who was already walking up to the front door.

"Sammy boy!" Bobby chuckled, opening the door, his eyes landed on Dean, then Nicole, tilting his head slightly. "Dean and who do we have here?"

"Nicole... Nicole Clark." She flashed a smile, offering her hand to Bobby as she approached, he looked her up and down for another moment before smiling, giving a nod, and shaking her hand.

"A hunter considering the boy's brought you here."

"A demon hunter, yes." Bobby motioned for her to step in, Dean followed behind, looking up at the ceiling. He'd drawn a demon trap right in the door way. Dean laughed, pointing up as we all had already crossed through.

"New décor, I like it."

"Yeah, can never be too careful these days." Bobby had his eyes locked on her for a few moments before wandering to his desk, seemingly looking for something. Nicole sat her bag down, her eyes looking at the giant map on the wall. Dean wandered behind her, swiftly taking the blade she had in the side pocket and tucking it into his jacket. Sam's eyes were locked on his brother's actions, giving him a questionable look before he too looked to Nicole, who was still entertained. Bobby laughed, he was holding what appeared to be a photo album and nodded to himself. Nicole crouched down, her fingers brushing a particular article just as Bobby lifted his pistol from his desk, aiming it directly at her. Dean nearly froze as well, seeing the photo in his hand. There was no doubt it was her, standing beside the impala, conversing with my father, her face in perfect view in the shot.

"So I'm gonna ask this one time." Bobby locked eyes with Nicole as the gun was held a few minutes from her head. "What are you?"

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