Ancients and Angels

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Finding Sam seemed to give Nicole more questions than answers. Especially surrounding the girl that left his room. She didn't smell like a hooker, if anything she had no scent at all, which made her think of a demon, but then again why would Sam be keeping the company of one. Nicole pressed the thoughts down, it wasn't time to question Sam, not yet. The day had already gone to shit multiple times, ending with finding herself in the back seat of Dean's car and on the way to the psychic.

"Welcome welcome." The woman said to Bobby and then glanced to Dean. "Back from the dead, the spirits were right. The hybrid." She smirked slightly. "Come in all of you." Nicole wanted to glare at the women, yet kept her composure. "The spirits whispered if you, scared to speak about the ancient hybrid." Nicole ignored it, not acknowledging Pam's remarks.

"So what's the plan?" Nicole mumbles, slowly walking inside and looking around. "Welcoming it in isn't the best idea."

"It's more like a drive by, taking a look at it." Pam said, gathering the things. "You'll have to stand aside, I suspect it won't come around with you in the circle." Nicole only nodded, sitting in a chair, getting her dagger out and picking at her nails. It wasn't till the ritual started that she looked up, the flames on the table, Pam's hand on Dean's arm. Nicole had made note to give Dean her blood again later. 

"Show me your face! Castiel I'm not afraid show me your face!" Nicole stopping picking at her nails, frozen slightly. She watched as the woman's eyes burned out her skull, Nicole stood, debating on leaving that moment without more than just the name. If it was who she thought, she'd be better off miles away from this place and states away, especially considering who she worked for was the fallen angel. She'd only her Castiel's name in passing.


"Hospital." Nicole only said, shaking her head. "I can't fix exploded eyes Dean, Christ." Bobby nodded, scooping Pam up, Dean stood beside Nicole and Sam, watching them leave.

"What the hell was that?" Sam whispered, Nicole's body shivered.

"I dunno, but part of me doesn't want to find out." She maintained her composure and fed the lie to them all the way back to the motel, her eyes heavy, Dean already passed out on the sofa, his mouth slightly open, perfect to catch flies. Sam's eyes landed on Dean's keys before he glanced to Nicole.

"I'm gonna go get a burger, can't sleep." Nicole chuckles slightly at the sound of his pulse.

"Lie to your brother all you want, but don't lie to me. Enjoy your burger." Nicole shrugged. "What you do isn't my business." She stood, wondering out the door before Sam, heading to the woods area with benches and sitting down as Sam left. In truth it wasn't her business what Sam was doing or that he was lying for some dumb reason surely. She glanced around for a moment, sighing as she pulled out her phone and leaned back as it rang.

"My favourite little assassin, how goes it?" Luci purred to which she huffed a laugh.

"What do you know Castiel?"

"Mmm one of father's favourite play things. Angel wings and all that jazz. Why? Is he the cause for your lack of calls?"

"No, Dean was, he was dead. Luci it took me with him. What if when he dies, like truly dies that I do too?"

"I don't know how that work Nicole, I'm not father. What does Castiel have anything to do with this?"

"Dean made a bargain and he died. He was in hell and Castiel I think....i think he pulled him out somehow. I don't know for certain, but he's here on earth. Will he kill me? Or try to?"

"I doubt it." Luci sighed softly. "Maybe I should order you home, back here by my side."

"I wish to see this through. If that is ok with you."

"Of course. Let me know what happens." Luci hung up, Nicole sat her phone on the bench, holding her head in her hands. An angel. Of course they were real, but all the ones she had come in contact with needed some buttering up to even stand her.

"Are we really planning on cornering an angel?"

"If they exist then yeah. That pretty much sums up my plan." Nicole only hummed in response, her eyes glued to her hands. They trembled ever so slightly, worry engulfed her mind. Part of her wondered what an angel would do to her of all creatures, even demons considered her an abomination, that was surely saying something. She was only pulled from her thoughts when Bobby pulled up, he looked tired and Nicole certainly felt bad for him. She lifted her head fully and gave him a nod.

"What are you doing out at night?"

"Ah you know, can't sleep. The usual problem." Nicole stood, following Bobby back into the motel. "Sam went to go get a burger or something. He's hiding something."

"I suspected that. Kid hasn't been right since Dean died. How are you?"

"Tired. That's been my personality for centuries." She huffed, opening the door to the room, Dean blinked a few times, looking to her then Bobby.

"Where is Sammy?" They both simply shrugged, Nicole debating on laying on the bed, but the scents filling her nose made the decision easy to sit on the sofa next to Dean. "I got an idea. Why not trap what it is where looking for?"

"Well it did burn out that woman's eyes. Do we really want to go looking at it? Hmmm?" Nicole looked to Dean.

"It's our only shot Niks." She simply hummed a response before looking to Bobby.

"I have a spot I've been working on, I knew you'd want to still go after it." Bobby simply chuckled and led the way out. Nicole hid her concern. Nothing like an angel and a ancient in the same room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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