Bar Stop

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After a few weeks, Nicole and Dean had the impala back up and running. The girl knew her way around a car and even added a much needed fresh coat of paint. Something out of his wheel house to say the least. Being around her dare he say felt calming, giving him the false feeling that one day he'd get that white picket fence ending and not die in this line of work.

"You okay?" She nudged him before going back to sipping on her sweet tea, a few beads of sweat on her forehead from working in the sun on the car. He nodded, a half smile crossing his lips.

"Yeah, just thinking that we need to get going, check out that lead on my dad's phone. Some chick named Ellen. You want to go with us? Figure you could need a break from Bobby." She nodded before standing, yanking off her tank top to be in just a sport bra. Intricate straps on the back, seemingly covering large but healed scars. "Are those from when you were killed?"

"Yeah, they were whip lashings." She looked to him, shrugging before she picked up a wrench and went back under the hood. "Weird to think I'll never scar, but the ones I got are definitely enough of a conversation piece."

"Yeah, my bad I didn't even think before asking."

"It's fine, honestly there isn't anything you could ask me Dean that would shock me or hurt my feelings." She closed the hood, cleaning off her hands. "That should do it. She should have no breakdowns, stutters, nada." A laugh escaped him as he walked around, starting up the car, both of them grinning at it started smoothly for once. "I'm gonna go get cleaned up before we hit the road." He gave her a nod, watching her grab some things before heading inside.

"You like her." Dean nearly jumped seeing Sam walk out with the usual duffel bags already packed.

"What?" Dean pulled one of his signature faces, huffing as he shut off the car. "Because we worked on the car together?"

"Because I haven't caught you watching porn all week." Checkmate.

"Maybe I just haven't been in the mood." Sam laughed, closing the trunk.

"And I haven't got two eyes. Stay in denial Dean."

"Why would I have the hots for a 4,000 year old supernatural creature huh?"

"Like I said, be in denial."

"Whatever Sammy. I'm gonna go wash up before we hit the road." He closed the driver side door, making sure to take the keys inside with him. Bobby was at his desk as Dean wandered upstairs, going into the bedroom and grabbing his change of clothes before heading down the hall. The bathroom door opened, Nicole in a small towel, wet hair resting along her chest as she rounded the door and towards him. "Use up all the hot water?"

"The opposite." She laughed, going into one of the other rooms and closing the door. His heartbeat had increased just looking at her in that state. He wandered into the bathroom, cursing under his breath, maybe Sammy was right. He couldn't be, she was old, hell ancient and a supernatural. He tried to push the thoughts from his brain for the length of his shower, even going as far as turning up the music once they'd gotten into the car to limit conversation. Sam shot him a look, turning down the radio as he pointed to the approaching roadhouse, looking more abandoned than anything.

"That's the place." Dean stopped the car, Nicole got out, glancing around before looking at one of the other buildings. "Nicole, why don't you stay here, just keep an eye on things while we run in and check the place." She nodded to Sam, adjusting her black coat and leaning against the car. Dean was already wandering inside, taking in the single person in view. Sam wandered past him into one of the back rooms, a few moments later a gun noise clicking behind Dean.

"Who are you?"

"Sam, little help in here!"

"Little busy." He grumbled, wandering out with a woman behind him. Dean felt his heart rate increase, motioning to the gun.

"Why don't you put that down, might hurt yourself darling."

"Who are you?" The older one chimed in, yet everyone's eyes fell to the door, Nicole walking in and clearing her throat.

"Oh, bad time? You Winchesters I swear." She raised her hands as well, yet the older woman lowered her gun.

"Sam and Dean as in John Winchester's boys? And who are you?" She motioned to Nicole who flashed a smile.

"Old friend of John's. You must be Ellen." Dean sighed with relief, both guns being lowered at Ellen's command. Nicole began speaking with Ellen once we'd all been introduced to Jo and Ash. Surprisingly enough Ash was a genius, though it would take him 51 hours to produce any results. Sam joined Nicole in conversation as Jo wandered to where Dean sat in the bar.

"Sorry about your dad." She chimed in, her fingers dancing against the table as she spoke.

"Looks like I got 51 hours to waste...maybe tonight we should..." He glanced to Nicole in that moment, she wasn't even looking at him, nor paying any mind to his conversation. "Eh, you know what... nevermind."

"What?" He looked back to Jo, laughing slightly.

"Eh, nothing just got something on my mind." Dean brought the beer bottle to his lips, taking a swig.

"I'm surprised, guess you're not one of the scumbags." She shrugged, wandering over to the bar at the sound of her mother popping open beer bottles. He looked back at Nicole, her eyes locked on the beer bottle in her hand for a moment. She wandered outside, out of his view. A sigh escaped as he walked outside after her, she'd found a rundown bench to sit on, her eyes landing on him as he walked out.

"Hey you."

"Hey, question for you." Dean leaned against the wall next to the bench, taking another sip of his beer. "You healing that wound, it wouldn't do anything to me right?" She turned slightly, tilting her head as she looked at him.

"No, it's too little of a amount Dean. I promise, why? You feeling okay?"

"Uh, yeah. Just uh, a lot on my mind I guess." Dean looked her before returning his gaze to the horrible scenery before them. He would not admit it, but Sam was right.

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