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Dean woke up, glaring at the ceiling as he heard her taunting voice playing in his head. It was rare that a woman turned him down. He'd be lying if he didn't say it was attractive and didn't make the chase more interesting.

"Get up and get ready." He was pulled from his thoughts to Sam hollering from the open bathroom door.

"Yeah, yeah." He sat up, grabbing his jeans from the end of the bed and slipping them on as he got up. Part of him always wondered what it was like to have a home and home cooked meals. Something other than gas station fast food that was probably going to kill him before any of these monsters. Sam was already putting on his shoes as Dean slipped on his shirt and freshened up in the bathroom, making himself look alive enough for the day ahead. He grabbed the keys and wandered outside as he slipped on his jacket.

There she was, leaning against her car, a tangerine in her hands, taking a slice and popping it in her mouth. She offered him one and he chuckled, taking it from her and mirroring her behavior.

"You guys ready? I called the morgue and told them I'd be sending down representatives from the anatomy donation registry that Dr.Henry worked with regularly."

"How do you know that?" Sam questioned, getting into the Impala, but leaving the door open.

"I have a friend that knew him very well. I wouldn't be hunting this creature over a demon otherwise." She ate the last slice before getting into her car and starting it up. "Follow me there." Dean got in the car and glanced to Sam as he started it and as he closed his door. Dean started following Nicole down the road, music playing.

"I dunno how much I trust her man."


"How does she know so much?"

"She's a hunter like us, she was tipped off Sam. Don't think so much into it."

"Yeah, we'll see." Sam mumbled as Dean parked behind Nicole's Mustang. She climbed out first, looking up at the entrance to the morgue that was right next to the police station. She walked to the front door, knocking and speaking to the man who opened it. Nicole motioned to them before stepping inside with the duo behind her. As expected the morgue building was cold, smelling of cleaner and preservatives.

"Dr.Henry's office and exam room are straight ahead, make a left, and you're there."

"Thank you." Nicole mumbled before walking past him, shoving her hands in her pockets. "I'll start in the exam room, you guys get the office?"

"Sounds good." Dean mumbled, walking into the office as she made another left into the exam room. Sam sat down, clicking on the computer before looking through the paperwork as Dean went through a file cabinet. He pulled out a small container with a cross on it. "Holy water. Interesting enough."

"He's got a daughter and a son according to his background photo. The photo seems kind of old though." Dean nodded before looking into the hall and wandering down to the exam room. Nicole had her back to him, looking in a file as she sat on the exam table.

"You know, not many people willingly sit where hundreds of dead bodies laid to get their insides scooped out." She chuckled slightly, not looking away from the document.

"I'm not like most people. Dr.Henry performed the autopsy on his own daughter. Her cause of death was suicide. Sounds like she was cliff diving." She looked to him, offering the file.

"Sounds like we found our angry spirit." He took the file, glancing it over. "She died only two years ago. There is apparently a son too. Wonder if he's still breathing." She slipped off the exam table and wandered back to the file cabinet she was searching. He sat the file down on the table and wandered over to the ice chest, propping it open. "I wonder who emptied this out?"

"Probably the other morticians since blood is always in need." She chimed in, glancing around.


"Something just doesn't fit angry spirit." He chuckled, sitting down the paperwork and watching her.

"What makes you say that?"

"Cause a Demon is going to want to hurt other supernatural beings. Keep you all busy. A mortician can be a blood supply for vamps or a doctor to supernaturals. This guy doesn't scream abusive parent to be haunted and harmed to me."

"I got nothing." Sam hollered, walking into the exam room. Sam wandered to her, holding the holy water container. "Unique item for a mortician."

"Can you blame him?" Nicole took the bottle and spun the cap off, pouring it in her hand before flicking a few drops at Sam. "And no I am not a demon. Holy water can be in a swimming pool for all I care." She shook off her hand, chewing on her lip before slipping past Sam and towards the office. "Dean are you sure we can trust her? You're a loose cannon, but her? She's out there."

"She thinks there is a demon involved Sam. What if she's our ticket to get ole golden eyes. To find out what happened to dad. " Sam shrugged, leaning against the ice chest.

"I just don't trust her. How would anyone know so much about Demons?"

"Cause I knew your father." Dean jumped as she walked into view, reading a file before glancing up. "I don't particularly care if you two trust me or not. That is your decision." She tossed the file down on the exam table and spun on her heels. "The son was signed into an asylum. However he went missing for a year before reappearing and being sent to the more local asylum in town." She kept walking as Dean glared at Sam before jogging after her. He grabbed her arm, sighing as he looked into her eyes, trying to use those puppy dog eyes that every woman fell for, but she just kept glaring.

"If you know our dad, then you know why Sammy and I hardly trust anyone."

"I do, but I didn't want to pull that card. I have a demon to hunt Dean. My guess is it is going to go after the other mortician before it skips town and carries onto the next."

"Then we're helping. As long as you tell us how you knew our father." She sighed before nodding, motioning to the door.

"Fine, let's grab some food and we can talk." He surely wasn't ready for the stories Nicole had to tell.

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