Your Wish

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"Your brother is an idiot you know." Nicole chimed into Sam. They'd left the hellhound case complete and in the past and now seemed to be on the trail of a Jin or genie as some called it. She could feel his pulse in her blood, they'd been smart enough to maintain at least a few drops of his blood in her system. Mainly to sense when he was in trouble and nothing more.

"I agree. If it's really there it'll get him. Feed off him." Nicole stiffened in her seat before standing.

"Then it looks like we are stealing a car."

"How will we find him?" Sam stood, putting on his jacket.

"How many warehouses were even on that stretch of road?"

"Uhhh one."

"Dean specified said warehouse so that's where we start." She led the way out of the hotel room, in truth she could easily feel where Dean was and it wasn't a favorable feeling. He was weakening and fast. Information of which she couldn't tell Sam, then he'd know their secret. Nicole hunted down a car, older model so it'd be easier to break into and surely no sort of tracking to hunt down the vehicle very fast. She jumped the engine after using her powers to undo the lock in the door, Sam was watching her like a hawk.

"You care about him." Sam said once they were in the car.

"As do you." She simply said, glancing to him.

"I mean differently than I do." Nicole chuckled softly, keeping her eyes on road at this point.

"He trusts me now is all Sam, I don't want to lose that trust. Dean was all hey let's kill every supernatural being to now at least seeing it as I and well...I think you see it." Sam hummed in response, pulling out the map.

"It's at least another twenty or miles."

"Christ." Nicole pushed the gas pedal down more. Her mind drifting to what she felt in her blood. Deans pulse was calm for now, though she could sense his body was still being drained. Two things that seemingly didn't go hand in hand. "Remind me what Jins do again?"

"It's Djinn technically and they're wish givers but they go into your mind and pull out your strongest wish. It puts you in a trance like state and they drain your blood while you live happily ever after in your brain until you die."

"Mmmm" Nicole said, her jaw tightening. "We haven't heard from Dean I'm guessing it's got him. How much time would that give him?"

"Hours maybe a day or so max. I'm surprised you don't know about their kind."

"I didn't really go out to interact with other supernatural things Sam. Heck learned I was an outcast and very quickly remained that way." The ride became silent till they stopped outside of the warehouse. Nicole could smell the scents. Those dead, the djinn, and surely Dean.

"Here, silver blade with lambs blood. Wait can you even hold this?" Sam said though still offering it to her, Nicole only nodded before taking it.

"Remember where the wolf is weak the vampire or witch is strong." She led the way, following the scent, there he hung, skin a soft grey, her fangs descended looking around before motioning to Sam to handle Dean. "Come out wherever you are Genie." Nicole raised her head seeing a figure up a flight of stairs, using her inhuman like speed to chase after it. The creature was smart surely, it had already booked it toward another flight of stairs. She heard Sam yell downstairs and went back down, pushing the creature off Sam as it nearly touched his face. It yelled at her, a deep growl like noise as she sunk the blade in its chest. Blood splattered on her face from the impact. The blood smelled horrific, it was as if it smelled of recycled blood, such as those going through dialysis. She gagged, standing up and wiping her face. Dean came into view, though weak as he stumbled past her to one of the hanging bodies.

"She's dead." He said softly, yet Nicole yanked the needle from her neck.

"No she's alive just barely." Nicole slowly lowered her down.

"Give her blood then, we can get her fixed up and ready to go." Nicole shook her head before hurrying to carry the girl to the impala outside.

"Not a chance let's go nearest hospital."

"Why not?!" Dean raised his voice as the crew all piled in the car, Nicole in the back with the girl.

"Because I-I won't potentially subject anyone to this Dean." The drive was silent as they managed to get the girl to the hospital, though suspicious they were able to essentially drop her and run. Making it back to the nearby motel before the sun came up.

Nicole sat outside, looking as the sun came up from her spot on a bench outside of the hotel rooms. She was exhausted and starved, her mind anywhere but here.

"Hey." Dean said softly, wandering out, freshly showered and stronger but still tired. "Can we talk?"

"Of course." She said softly looking to him. "What did you wish Dean if you don't mind me asking." Dean chuckled and sat beside her.

"My mom not to die. I had this supposed perfect life. Hell you and I were uh engaged and you were a nurse. You were human." Nicole locked eyes with him for a moment before a frown crossed her lips. "What you wouldn't subject anyone to this life.... What did you mean?"

"I mean in my four thousand years I've never turned anyone. Never sired a new born vampire." She only nodded, chewing at the inside of her cheek. "I swore I wouldn't put anyone in my shoes. Not even if it could save their life it isn't fair." Dean's hand went to her back, before going down to her hand and snaking it in his own.

"It's okay. Listen let's get some sleep, I told Sam I'm shacking up with you this morning cause best believe I need a good night sleep without a snoring bear." Nicole managed a laugh before standing as pulling Dean along with her to her motel room, using the key to let him inside. If only his wish had truly come true she thought.

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