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The hotel room had an overwhelming silence, the only sound that could be heard was the electrical noise of the street light. Nicole sighed, glancing out through the window, her stomach growling as she cursed under her breath. Surely there was a demon involved here, who else would kill a vampire's blood supply, especially her's.

She turned away from the window and grabbed her phone, dialing her contact's number.

"Hello darling, how goes the hunt?"

"You were right Luci. There is definitely a demon here."

"Good, find it and command it back to hell Nicole. If it doesn't listen then use the dagger I supplied."

"I will. Listen something else is here and it's killed a blood supplier." He hummed in response, she could hear the ice in his glass clinking.

"You were right then the population is exploding."

"Do not tell Mazikeen, she'll want you to return to hell to stop the demons from coming out."

"I'm aware, listen be careful. If you get hurt then she'll be more than proven correct." She chuckled slightly.

"I'll be fine. I'll see you when I get back to Los Angeles." They both hung up, she sighed and sat down on the bed. Yes, the devil was here on earth, but if only people knew the truth. Lucifer was the hated son, he didn't hate people. Hell he didn't even enjoy being the prince of darkness, running hell and keeping the demons down there. Hence why he left, cut off his wings and enjoyed the city of angels. Who could blame him. As for Maze, she was the only demon Lucifer or anyone truly trusted. She was his right hand and Nicole his left.

She stood, looking out the window once more, no one was in sight. Now was her chance to hunt. Nicole switched jackets, grabbing a hoodie and pulling it over her head. She could hear heartbeats all around, the rapid ones of lovers and the slow ones of those asleep. The vampire side craved the blood, the wolf side craved fighting, and then there was the witch that craved peace. Lucifer always said she was created by God out of chance, though it surely felt like no miracle.

She was considered a storybook vampire as the others said and an outcast by the werewolves. A storybook vampire only having two descending fangs, though massive in size compared to the others. The witches feared her after all she was surely a creature.

Nicole walked into the woods, rushing through the brush towards town for the morgue. More than likely there would be police tape or investigators, but the hunger was unbearable after days of not feeding. An hour trip took her 10 minutes at her pace, though nonetheless out of breath and even more hungry. she sat at the top of the hill, looking out for any signs of life from a distance before approaching. No heartbeats to be heard as she got closer.

She dug in her pocket, grabbing the makeshift lock pick and trying at the back door of the morgue, granted half of it was still operating, but the office and examine room used by Doctor Winters was a crime scene. There was a click of the door, signaling the lock releasing and her entrance gained. The lights were off, the smell of embalming build, cleaning supplies, and well death entered her nose.

The exam room was much the same, lacking any true life to it. Doctor Winters was a happy man, always willing to help vampire in need. Especially those that wanted to live without killing people. The ice chest was in the corner, dare she say she prayed it was still full, and to her very surprise there was a few bags left. Nicole sighed with relief, grabbing two and yanking off the cap from the tube. Her teeth extended as she drank the ice cold crimson liquid, sliding down the ice chest. Relief.

"Is anyone there?" She growled slightly, standing up and stuffing the remaining blood bags in her backpack before slipping out the back door. Nicole stopped at the top of the hill, finishing off the half drained blood bag as she watched the guard walk out the back door.

Humans, it had been centuries since She'd been one. Well since She'd been just a witch. The wolf and vampire came hand in hand on a blood induced lust on the night she was turned. She sighed, shoving the empty blood bag in her bag for disposal in the motel dumpster, the rest of the blood bags would have to sustain her for the next few weeks.

Making her way back to the motel, she thought back on Dean and Sam. They were John's boys, but it had been months if not years since she'd seen their father. He was hot on the trail of the golden eyes demon, one that tried to mimic the looks of a hybrid with its golden eyes. A sign of more bark than bite in her opinion.

Once back at the motel, she looked from the woods, making sure once again the coast was clear for her return. The bar lights were off which meant it was past one in the morning. She walked to her room, looking at the twelve on the door before unlocking it and putting her bags in the fridge and her backpack on the bed. The room was small, old, and cramped. Nothing like home. A sigh escaped her as she walked outside, a bottle of wine in her grip as she walked to her car.

A 1970s Chevrolet Impala was parked next to her 1965 GT500 Mustang. It looked in amazing shape to say the least. She sat on the hood, her back against the windshield as she took a swig of wine.

"Can't sleep?" She nearly jumped, seeing Dean walk out of room number 13 and walking to the Impala, leaning against it.

"Never. Not when there is a case to be solved." That was the truth, maybe that was why she could never sleep. The imaginary cries of spirits in need and the screams of demons possessing those weak enough to be claimed.

"Need a roommate for the night. My brother's snoring is just, overwhelmingly amazing tonight." She laughed before taking a swig.

"Smooth, I like it, but I don't entertain men on the first meeting Dean." His heart rate increased slightly, it was pounding music to her ears. She slid off her car, offering him the bottle, he took it from her hand and took a swig.

"I like the challenge." Nicole smirked and pressed a kiss to his cheek, his heart rate spiking as it did before.

"Then goodnight Dean. The rest of that bottle is for you. Might help you sleep." She dug out her key, glancing back at him before unlocking her door and closing herself inside.

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