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Author notes: Hey all, so just to give a heads up, timelines are a little adjusted, maybe a lot. Mainly just Bobby and the Winchesters working together, order of some events. Overall this is before John Winchester dies to this point.


"So we're serious about trusting her! It!" Dean couldn't help but holler, maybe it was the anger of feeling betrayed yet again by someone Sam and he felt they could trust.

"You got a better plan boy? She's a good person to have on your team." Bobby grumbled, wandering over to the large shelf of books, yanking one off and sending it to Sam with a harsh toss. Sam jumped slightly before opening the first page, it was some sort of journal, that much Dean could tell from a distance.

"It's dad's handwriting." Sam flicked through the pages, dare one say he also looked concerned or even sad. "It's a list. The whole book is a list of different ways Dad and Nicole tried to kill Nicole. She willingly became a test subject?" Sam looked to Bobby, who was now sitting down, nodding slowly.

"Your father knew exactly what she was and when he told me about the hybrid. He told me it was a creature who suffered from its own existence. Yes she's powerful and well simply can't be fucking killed. She has been stuck here for far too long. You heard her say it yourself, over 4,000 years. Don't you think you'd go a little crazy being stuck here since then? Image what she's seen."

"Imagine what she's done." Dean snapped, raising his hands in the air. "How many people has she killed? Surely a very high ballpark estimate would be a sufficient guess."

"Dean. Humans kill other humans. Four thousand years ago it was Egyptian and Greek times. You could kill someone for simply looking at your wife funny or saying they'll steal your goat." Sam shrugged, yet Dean still wasn't content with it. Nicole had only left about 30 minutes ago, yet already he could see her coming from the bushes. Her backpack looking slightly heavier than before and larger. Sam was still flipping through the pages when she walked in, her eyes landing on the book yet she only looked away.

"How was the grocery run?" In Dean's attempt to make a joke and lighten the situation in his own mind she huffed a laugh and sat her bag down near the fridge.

"I warned the mortician about the current deaths in his trade. He's got a nest of vampires protecting him at night." She began shoving the various medical bags in the freezer, leaving them in a larger bag as to save them from seeing the contents. "They probably won't be too happy that my scent is floating around there, but hopefully they're understanding."

"What is this about an alpha?" Sam was still glued to the contents of the book, glancing to Nicole. "Alpha bite?"

"An alpha is what they call the original or oldest vampire, werewolf, or whatever species. You'd think the oldest vampire would be from the beginning of time. However an alpha can die and the next oldest becomes the alpha. I believe the oldest known vampire is 500 years old. The oldest werewolf I'm not sure, but your father and I were on a hunt, I got essentially mauled by the alpha werewolf. Healed as I got up from the fight so, no such luck."

"So there isn't anything you know that call kill you?" She closed the freezer, kicking the backpack aside so it was out of the way.

"Not as far as we found or I found. Vampires are more prone to harm from their mates, but I've never had one. Never felt the link to one. So can't test that theory. That's the thing, what the vampire is weak to the wolf is not, and what the wolf is weak to the vampire is not. So they counter act each other. Granted I'm sure if someone chopped off my head and threw it in a box and kept it away from my body it wouldn't go reattaching but alas, that's not a theory I'd like to test." She shivered, wandering back to the map she'd originally been looking at earlier. Nicole grabbed a box of pins, all red in the box and began stabbing the board in very particular places. Only once she stabbed over our old home did Dean know what she was doing.

"What are you doing? Yellow eye occurrences? You're telling me there is more than one?"

"Yeah. There were one hundred from what I remember. One hundred children were visited. No one but yellow eyes knows why." She looked to him for a moment before returning to her task. Bobby was pulling up some locations on his computer from watching her stab the board.

"While I'd love to completely focus on a demon, you boys have other cases calling your name. My damn voicemail is full, every time I empty it, by the next week it's full again. Good thing I take notes on who calls." Bobby motioned to the stack of papers. Dean sighed in protest, wandering over and flicking through the stack for a moment.

"Then it's settled, Dean and I will work the cases on the road while you and Bobby work the golden eyes angle." Nicole nodded, watching as Sammy and Dean began gathering things for life on the road again. She stepped outside, phone pressed against her ear. Bobby glanced to the window, zipping up a duffle of tools for us to take.

"You all be careful."

"Us, you're the one with the supernatural." Bobby chuckled, motioning to Nicole outside.

"That's the best weapon I could get on the planet. Consider me safe. I'll call you weekly, try and give you updates on what we find." Dean gave a nod, wondering outside while Sam kept packing.

"You guys move fast." Nicole mumbled, hanging up her phone as she approached him. "Listen, if at any point you and Sam need a little more muscle." She handed him a slip of paper, her number written on it. "Call me. I'll get there in record timing."

"Yeah." He nodded, taking it and slipping it in the top jacket pocket. "Take care of Bobby alright. He's a handful." She managed a laugh, glancing back to the house.

"Don't worry about him." She started to walk by him, he felt wrong leaving her behind. Hell, he felt wrong calling her a creature.

"Niks" He turned as did she, her hands clasped behind her back. "Take care alright."

"You too Dean." She smiled, reaching out to simply adjust the collar of his jacket before once again heading inside, walking past Sam. The was the last he saw of Nicole Clark for the months to come.

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