Opening Doors

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The Winchesters always seemed to get into trouble, it was all Nicole could gauge from the time with them on the road. Never had she seen a bond between brothers so strong, especially when yellow eyes had found a way to take Sam and it ended exactly how she had expected. Sam dead and now laying on a motel floor.

She sat in silence watching Sam, he was dead she could smell the rot, thankfully Bobby couldn't yet, though his patience with Dean was running thin. Nicole sunk her teeth into her cheek as her nervous habit, chewing at the skin till blood trickled into her mouth.

"Dean you should go with us, we need to keep the investment going." Bobby said, yet Dean said silent.

"Dean Bobby is right." Nicole slowly approached him. "Sam is dead we must not let him lay here much longer her."

"Enough!" Dean nearly roared it, his hand encircling her throat only due to her close proximity. No one moved, yet Nicole held her composure till Dean's hand slid away, now very gently brushing the skin of her throat. His plus was roaring in her ears. She could physically feel his pain due to his blood in her system.

"Fine, Bobby let's go." Nicole said softly, following Bobby to her car that she had delivered to his lot. The two sat in silence, making their way to gather any Intel from books and articles nearby. She thought nothing of Dean's heart beat changing constantly over the day, as his emotions had been a rollercoaster the few days. Though her worst fear came true as they resided at Bobby's, riffling through the various notes on demonic omens occurring around Wyoming.

"Dean is pulling up." Nicole said, Bobby looked at her, only managing a chuckle.

"How far?"

"Entering your yard." She said, yet looked up and froze, staring at Bobby. "There are two heart beats. No." She whispered, her jaw was tense as she stayed were she was standing, even as Bobby opened the door. She didn't even dare look up hearing Sam's voice.

"Glad to see you're up and moving." Bobby said, Nicole glanced to him, seeing the shocked expression on his face. Nicole didn't dare look at Dean, maybe cause it was the first time she felt this sensation. Pain in her heart. "Hey Dean come help me carry the rest of the books inside."

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Sam said, yet Nicole was listening to Bobby tear Dean a new asshole in the yard.

"I'm just surprised you're up and moving so soon. You took quite the hit." She said softly, though not daring to look at Sam. Her ears were tuned to the conversation outside and she swore she was going to be sick when Dean's admission passed his lips. One year with a crossroads demon. That was only 365 days.

"I need air. I'm done looking at these books they're making my head pound." Nicole walked past Sam, out front to watch the end of the conversation with Bobby and Sam in the distance. Her nails were digging into her palm till her nose picked up another scent. Ellen. Nicole walked inside, looking to Sam.

"Ellen is alive."

"What do you mean?"

"Roadhouse burned down. Long story." She sat down, watching as Dean and Bobby walked in with Ellen. Only after she took a shot of holy water did they continue the conversation. She knew Ellen didn't truly trust her. Granted Ellen didn't know what she was and that was for the best. No one would trust the Winchesters if they knew their little friend was in fact a true monster in many peoples eyes. Ellen revealed a paper she'd saved from the safe in the fire, sliding it onto the table. Nicole smirked looking over Bobby's shoulder as he sat at the table.

"How surprising, the cemetery is the center of that demon trap. If we leave now we can make it by nightfall."

"Then I suggest we go." Dean stated very plainly, though Nicole was already heading for the door to her own car. She felt a hand grab her bicep and stopped only because she knew her and Dean were alone. "Niks."

"A year Dean." She said softly, looking at him, then looking at his gentle grip on her arm. "A year is all you felt worth."

"I did it for Sam."

"I know and for that I understand." She leaned forward and gently kissed him. "If a year is all I get then so be it. But I'm pulling you from hell. Even if I have to do it myself." She pulled her arm from him, walking to her car. Bobby went with her and Ellen went with the boys. Making it to the graveyard by nightfall and all loading up with guns. Nicole played along for the sake of Ellen, though her own body could do more damage than a gun.

"Someone is coming." Nicole whispered. The crew slowly came from the shadows to see a man, standing in front of the crypt.

"You should be dead." The man said, looking to Sam. Nicole lowered her eyes, knowing damn well Sam would figure it out. It all happened so fast once he took over Ellen and shoved the colt into the door.

"Fuck me." She hissed watching the door lock slowly come undone.

"Oh no." Bobby said.

"Bobby what is it?" Ellen whispered yet Nicole answered.

"It's hell a door to hell." Demons were rushing out as everyone hid, yet Nicole looked around and rushed the door, raising her hands to use her magic to attempt to close it. The doors slowly began closing, Bobby and Ellen rushing to help. Nicole yelled and flung her arms, the doors slamming as she ensured the lock began to once again tighten on the hinges before rushing to the sound of a gun firing. Yet she stopped in her tracks seeing Sam, Dean, and the ghostly figure of John.

John looked to her a huffed a laugh before giving a nod to her just as she did to him before he disappeared. The door to hell was closed, surely to never be opened again, at least she hoped.

"Can we please take a day off." She simple stated walking by the pair, her energy was drained and she was starved, it'd been enough for the day. Nicole stepped over the body of what was once golden eyes. The fake hybrid finally out of her hair, yet hundreds of demons now infesting. If anything the Winchesters had made her task even harder. Luci was going to be pissed.

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