Bobby Singer

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"I'll ask one more time." Bobby stated, flicking the safety off of the gun as he pointed it at Nicole. She stood slowly, glancing around the room swiftly, all eyes were locked on her.

"It's a long story." She mumbled, looking at the photo as he tossed it on the floor. A slight huff of a laugh escaped her as she really examined it.

"I think we have time." Her smile fell as she looked up, listening closer to what she could hear. A racing pulse, three in fact. She went to raise her hands in surrender, Bobby jumping at the chance to pull the trigger. She fell to her knees, holding the wound as she squeezed her eyes shut. With a few seconds she removed her hand, the bullet landing on the floor with a clunk. The veins under her eyes formed, she could feel her eyes shift before she looked up. "The hybrid." Bobby mumbled, scoffing as he tossed the gun down.

"Is there something I'm missing here! I'm seeing golden eyes!" Dean hollered, positioning his hand on the blade he had taken.

"I'm not golden eyes."

"She's not." Nicole sighed as Bobby confirmed it, she sat back, picking up the bullet and examining it before looking at the hole in her jacket. The blood stain disappeared, her skin absorbing it right back into her body. "John told me about a hybrid, not that he willing worked with the creature. I knew when he brought you here something was up. What it is only took a few decades to appear." Sam cautiously walked by her, sitting beside Bobby. Dean stayed standing, though his hand still holding her knife in a grip.

"Gotta take help where you can get it." She felt her features shift back as she yanked her backpack closer, digging out a blood bag, last one from the stock. "Guess I don't need to hide these anymore. Also, really? You were thinking just plane werewolf? I have to say I'm a bit insulted." She yank opened the tube with her teeth, signing with relief as the liquid hit her system.

"The only reason I'm not finding a way to kill you is because John said there simply isn't one." Bobby crossed his arms. "So explain."

"How far back you looking to go? I got about 4,000 years clocked in." She glanced to him before taking another sip. "I met John while hunting golden eyes, back in 1985 after it killed his wife. The Winchester name and I go way back." Nicole looked to Dean, motioning to the blade. "The first Winchester dates back centuries, I met one in England, a warlock. He made that very blade. Granted Lucifer refined it. It's a demon killing blade. I swore to help John we had a common enemy. Golden eyes is what you call a poser. He makes himself look like a hybrid as best he can. He's missing the veins under the eyes and well the two fangs. However he scares any enemies before they can really get to see behind the curtain. Rest is well history."

"So a hybrid is what exactly?" Sam leaned forward slightly, she could almost hear the gears turning in his brain.

"A hybrid is a vampire...a werewolf...and a witch. Wrapped into well one little package." she polished off the blood bag, tossing it on the backpack. "As for how many of us. One." Dare she admit it hurt to say. "One of one."

"Where is your nest?" Dean chimed in, a bitter laugh escaped her.

"Well vampires don't fully trust me, they smell the wolf. Wolves smell the vampire...witches don't trust anyone but witches. So consider me an outcast. No nest, no pack, no coven, and no mate. I got into the only trade that would take me. Hunting." She stood, motioning to the blade Dean held. "Now can I have the back before you hurt yourself?" Bobby gave him a nod before handing it back to her. Nicole leaned down and tossed it in the backpack along with the empty blood bag. Already she was planning where to head, yet Bobby cleared his throat.

"Where in the hell do you think you're going?" She glanced back to him, shrugging as she dug in her bag.

"Out of your hair. I doubt the last person you'd like in your home in a supernatural."

"No, no, no John trusted you. I think myself and the boys can make an exception." She looked to Sam then Dean. Sam seemed more along with it than Dean. Dean's heart beat went off rhythm as he spoke.

"Yeah. We could use all the help we can get. Even if you're a supernatural. However, the moment you go biting someone, game over." The beats told her he was more than lying that he wanted to work with her. "So what else have you lied to us about?"

"Crowley. I know the little shit very well." Nicole sat down her bag, wandering to the window. "Thing about Crowley is you simply mention his name... he shows up like the plague." She grumbled, glancing around the grounds. "He thinks he's the big dog in hell. While Lucifer enjoys his vacation."

"Vacation. You're telling me. The devil takes vacation?" Bobby questions, the thought itself was kind of funny.

"He got bored, he's hanging out in Los Angeles. Nice guy. Actually my employer, sort of. It doesn't look good if demons are running around on earth instead of torturing souls." She shrugged before wandering to the front door. "Listen I'll explain as you all ask, but right now I need to make my way to the morgue. I know we passed one a few miles down the road. I gotta stock up if we're staying here."

"I'm not letting you drive my car." Dean put his hand over his jacket pocket. A laugh escaped her before she opened the door.

"Darling, vampire remember. I can run faster than that car has in quite a few years." Nicole flashed him a wink and she was off. Maybe it would benefit her teaming up with the Winchesters.

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