Hell Hounds

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A/N Might continue this as I hate unfinished stories in my profile. I noticed it didn't get a lot of interest, which I was surprised by, but who knows...might spike up in the future. Enjoy.

"Over there!" Sam hollered, Nicole ran over, using her sense of smell to guide her. She was tired, though who knew if it was due to the lack of blood or the sheer amount of energy she was burning. The hell hounds had gotten their fare share of bites in, she had torn them in half in return. Just as fast as they had come, they were gone. Nicole laid down on the floor only when they're scents had disappeared. Relief swept over Evan's face, Sam took a moment to hesitantly walk out of the salt circle. Nicole could only focus on the pounding of their hearts, forcing herself to stand and walk outside for the sake of them both. Even the cool air didn't help her starved body. She sat down, wincing as she looked at the wound, it surely wasn't healing, not without a blood bag or two. She glanced to the entrance of the house, only confirming to herself that she was out of sight before falling back into the grass. Nicole knew better than to reveal to anyone when she was weak even if it was Sam.

She was pulled from her thoughts when she heard the impala, relief sweeping over her that Dean was safe. She surely didn't have the energy to fight a demon today. The engine cut off as she sat up, raising her hand to wave hi to Dean who was now in sight.

"How's Evans- Jesus Christ Niks?!" Dean's voice raised as he approached, eyes landing on her blood soaked shirt.

"I'm fine." She weakly said, glancing up at him, his heart beat pounding in her ears. Her vampire features surely were still showing. "Dean I need to get to the hotel or hell to a blood bank." Nicole clenched her teeth as Dean got closer, scoping her up. Her gaze was locked onto his neck he carried her back to the impala.

"Relax, we don't have time for the Niks. You look like a hell hounds chew toy." He only half way set her down, opening one of the back doors of the impala. His pulse was racing, dare she say it was from the adrenaline in his system. Nicole leaned against him as he slid her and himself into the back seat. Only when they were settled did he peel back the sleeve of his shirt, revealing his wrist.

"Oh no, Dean no." She shook her head, yet he only eased her closer to his wrist, the urge was impossible to ignore.

"Nicole drink just fucking stop before you kill me alright?" If she wasn't starved she'd have resisted, yet the animalistic instinct was in control now, she was close to turning to a inanimate corpse, then she'd really be in need of blood. She gingerly sunk her teeth into his wrist, the first drop told her all she needed to know. Most blood tasted of iron, some drugs, or even alcohol. Dean's blood surely tasted like blood, but it was like her favourite brand of bourbon. She wasn't greedy, especially since it was mates blood, it was like super blood, instead of needing bags, she only need a half bags worth of Dean's. She pulled away, pricking her finger to heal the two tiny holes that were in his wirst. Nicole could feel his pulse running through her very veins, her eyes raising to meet his.

"It's me isn't it?" Dean said quietly, his wrist was still in her soft grip. "I'm your mate or whatever it's called." Nicole's mouth was probably slightly ajar, her features shifting back to normal. She slowly nodded, though glancing to make sure Sam was still inside and not in view before she spoke.


"I'm not upset Niks."

"No." She said quietly. "No one can know. Not even Sam. Not Bobby. No one." Her pulse synced with his, only because his blood was coursing through her veins, healing every injury, large and small.

"I won't tell anyone, I promise." His other hand gently removed his other from her grip. Dean's eyes flicked her to lips before he kissed her. The professional womaniser facing an internal battle, and surely losing to avoid the woman he now found himself attached to in a way deeper than he understood. He opened the door, helping her out and motioning to the trunk.

"Spare shirt in the trunk." Nicole nodded, popping the trunk, her eyes falling on not only the shirt, weapons, but her backpack, bags of blood surely included. Dean stepped beside her, following her line of sight. "I needed to know I wasn't crazy." She looked to him, huffing a slight laugh before she switched shirts right in the street.

"The demon, what did it say?" Dean sighed, leaning against the car as they both waited for Sam.

"It confirmed it. You were right. I shouldn't have confirmed something when I pretty much already knew the answer." Nicole bowed her head, thinking over what comforting words she could say, but none came to mind. "I tried to offer myself to get him back." Her jaw tensed at his words, only now raising her gaze to look at him.

"Dean, don't dare alright. We'll figure something else out. Crossroad demons make horrible deals they're never worth the trade." Deans jaw tensed as she reached for him, resting a hand on his shoulder. "I'll see what I can do alright? Give me a few days and I'll see what strings I could possibly pull. We need you not in hell to bring golden eyes down. That's what your father would want is it not?"

"I just can't help but feel guilt knowing he's down there because he wanted me to live."

"Guilt is a bitch." Nicole mumbled, removing her hand from Dean as Sam came into view. She watched Dean for a moment before turning on her heels to look from where Dean came. A figure stood in the woods making eye contact with her before disappearing. This was her war now.

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