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Nicole had been wondering about Dean's question the last few weeks. She knew having a lot on his mind was partially a lie just by his pulse.

"Niks?" She glanced to Dean, he once again caught her in thought, his hand shoveling another bite of pie into his mouth. The man loved pie as much as his car if not more at times. "You're doing it again?"

"Sorry, I'm just thinking about the case. Hell hounds are no joke. Even I can't see them." She sat back, examining her slice of pie before taking another bite. Sam was in the motel already, probably counting sheep and snoring. Thankfully Dean had come knocking on her door, asking if she wanted to go get a midnight snack. "Granted I can smell them, but their scent floods a room like rotting flesh."

"We'll be fine, we always figure it out." Dean's voice didn't sound certain, but it held truth behind the statement. The brothers always seemed to figure it out. "I want you to protect Sam while I go trap the demon." Her gaze flickered up to Dean, a serious expression on his face. "He needs protecting more than me."

"He's capable Dean. A demon is more dangerous."

"I need talk to one. Alone." Nicole cursed under her breath, sliding her now empty plate to the edge of the table.

"It's about your father isn't it?"

"It makes sense doesn't it? Me alive and him dead with golden eyes involved. What if he cut a deal for my life? Niks, my father could be in hell because of me." It was growing on her, him calling her this new nickname, no one had called her that before, but it was a way she knew Dean felt comfortable around her. She reached out, taking one of Dean's hands between her own, her gaze locked with his.

"It does, but is that something you want the answer to when in reality you already know it to be true." He looked down at her hands, her thumb was stroking the back of his, the veins were risen from the stress plaguing his mind.

"I just need to 100% know." She reluctantly dropped the subject, taking her hands back before waving down the waitress.

"Two Heinekens." Nicole slid her empty coffee cup to the edge, as did Dean who chuckled. "These thoughts call for numbing."

"You can't get drunk, can you?" He managed to crack a smile, yet she nodded.

"If I am well, hungry or starved for blood I get drunk faster. If I've just fed then yeah not a chance in hell will I get drunk. Today there is a possibility for a buzz." The beers were sat down before them, Nicole taking a hefty swig of her beer as did Dean.

"How do you control it? Is it like human hunger?" She shrugged to his question, thinking it over a moment.

"It's more like when you crave a specific food. Like pie. I would say it's a little worse than human hunger and then it also depends on your temperament as a human. If you were reckless and malicious then that shows. Your need for food will reflect that. Me, I can go a few days now without feeding. Pros of being extremely old, you just don't need blood like a new born vamp does." They sat, talking about none sense, drinking beers until Dean was tipsy and Nicole's face was turning a blushed shade. Nicole paid the tab before they began wandering back to the motel.

"You know, I never found myself working with a supernatural. Don't take that the wrong way." He looked to her, watching as she began fiddling with the motel key.

"None taken. I never thought you would begin to trust me Dean." She stepped up to the door, unlocking it as Dean leaned against the frame.

"Miracles happen everyday."

"Yeah." She simply said, stepping inside before letting the door fall against her hip as she looked to Dean. "Listen, get some sleep, we have a long drive in the morning." It was a habit, but she reached out, fixing his collar that had once again gone wonky and fallen. Yet Dean on his liquid courage stepped forward, his hand gently grabbing hers. She was thankful he couldn't hear her pulse, though it was probably at the same speed of a human's heart. Dean's other hand came to her cheek before they backed into her room, his lips finding hers. They paused for a moment, looking at each other, though still embraced. "Are you sure about this Dean?"

"Sure as hell." He softly said before kissing her once more, Nicole could tell by his pulse he hadn't lied, he truly was sure. It was only a short time before they were naked, under the covers on the irritatingly squeaky motel bed. Thankfully Sammy was a few rooms down, ensuring he wouldn't hear any of what was happening, though the room behind them was definitely hearing some parts of the show. They moved effortlessly with each other, bodies pressed against one another, as if they'd done this before and knew each other's body and movements like their own. Only when they were done, Dean breathless as he held Nicole in his arms, her head listening to the thud of his heart. She lifted her head, looking to him, his eyes landing on her as well.

"Don't go alone to see that demon tomorrow Dean. At least do it close to where we'll be."

"I'll try my best. Don't worry about me." He managed a smile, his hand running through her hair, tucking a few strands of it behind her ear. "I'm glad I got this off my chest. I couldn't go out of this fight without at least spending time with you. I'm not the romantic type trust me, but since getting to know you. I've just had this strange pull. I thought maybe it was your blood, but I dunno." Dean as always shut down his emotions, he'd been great at sleeping around and never getting attached. Hell, Nicole had been very much the same.

"I understand." She leaned forward kissing him gently before resting her head down on his chest. She didn't know how she felt, though it crossed her mind that she would need a drop of Dean's blood to know the truth. Though tonight wasn't the night to learn. Not with what they were facing. She couldn't fathom learning if Dean was potentially her mate and then letting him go into harms way. At that point there would be no turning back and she's protect him at all costs. A potential fact that she didn't want to know just yet.

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