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It was after nearly four months that Dean essentially rose from the dead, crawling out of the coffin as if nothing had touched him but a hand, one that left quite the mark. Sam's phone and Nicole's didn't answer and Bobby quickly hung up believing it to be a prank. At least until Dean showed up at his door. It wasn't till Dean had been drenched in holy water and cut with a silver knife that Bobby finally believed him.

"How is a major question." Bobby stated, thought out of breath slightly from essentially attacking Dean.

"I dunno! Both Sam and Nicole's phone go straight to voicemail and you hung up on me! I rose from the dead what more can I say?!" Bobby went silent for a moment, sadness took over his features. "What is it Bobby? Sam? Niks?"

"Sam is alive as far as I know. Nicole is well. She's in the basement. The moment you died she uh...essentially turned to stone. No blood, no nothing. Barely a pulse every minute. Sam and I came to the conclusion she was probably your mate. Care to enlighten me?"

"We figured it out a year before I died. We didn't want the risk of a supernatural finding it out and using it as a tool against any of us." Dean said softly before turning on his heels and making his way to the basement. The large iron like door was before him, the look through open. He didn't dare look in before he opened it. She laid there, color drained from her face. Her body as if frozen in time from the day he died, though different clothes than he remembered. "Niks?" He said softly, approaching her before sitting in the chair beside the bed.

"Like I said, not a thing." Bobby walked in, blood bag in hand, tossing it onto the nightstand beside the bed. "Tried syringe feeding it to her, can't get a needle through her skin, nothing. Tried sitting with her once a day in case she'd wake up." Dean nodded, standing slowly and moving to sit beside her.

"Got a knife on ya?"

"Who do I look like?" Bobby scoffed before handing him a utility knife, flicking open the blade. Dean took it and gently cut a small gash in his wrist before raising Niks head as he pressed his wrist against her mouth. It took a moment before he felt her fangs extend and brush against his wrist, though not making another wound as she took a few greedy gulps. It was when her eyes opened did fear reach him. It was in a blurred motion that she had him flung to the floor, straddling him and the knife once in his hand against his throat. Her two large fangs were in view, golden eyes staring into his, and her hand steady. The dark purple veins showing under her eyes, pulsing color to her hues.

"Niks! It's him!"

"It can't be! It can't be... Dean?" She said softly, the knife slowly pulling away from his neck.

"Honey I'm home!" He said in a joking manner. Nicole dropped the blade and stood, pulling him up and into an embrace. He felt a soft cry against his chest as she squeezed him, yet she pulled away slowly. He could read her face as she could read his, exhaustion was written on both of them. Dean raised his hand to gently brush her cheek to remove the few rouge tears that dared to leave her eyes before pressing a kiss to her lips.

"Oh please get a room you two." Bobby scoffed as Nicole pulled away from Dean and picked up the blood bag, siphoning down the liquid. "Were you in hell too?" Nicole shook her head, dropping the blood bag in the trash.

"Worse, I was stuck in my own head and body for the last four months. Paralysis of the body." She mumbled, visibly a shiver run down her spin. "Though I appreciated the daily visits. I think if you didn't visit I wouldn't be as put together as I am. What of you?" Nicole questioned Dean who shrugged.

"I can't remember any of it, kind of thankful for  it is a minor statement." Nicole looked him over, her vampire features disappearing as she ran her fingers over his shoulder. She stopped abruptly and gently pried at his shirt.

"It smells of burnt flesh." Her eyes ran over the handprint that she'd carefully revealed, her senses trying to take in any scent but all that flooded her weakened nose was that of Dean. Dirt, the earth, cheaper cologne he'd hunted down, and leather. "Something pulled you from hell."

"Not sure what, my first thought was you or Sam made a deal."

"As you can see I'm innocent." Nicole sighed, looking to Bobby. "Sam?"

"On the run, doesn't want to be found."

"Then we find him." Nicole simply stated, walking past Dean. Her body was weak, he could easily tell. Simply by the way her body moved, her hand holding onto whatever she passed. Bobby looked to Dean, sharing the same concerned look about her before the followed her up the steps.

"You need another blood bag?" Bobby said softly as Nicole sat down and opened the laptop.

"No it'll take time to regenerate I suppose." She shrugged before handing Dean a cell phone. "Call and say you lost your phone. We should be able to get the tracking aspect turned back on and find Sam."

"Good idea." Dean said, sitting down beside her, Bobby sat at his desk. Dean called in the lost phone while Nicole logged into the site, refreshing the page once he hung up. "It's right nearby where I popped out of the ground."

"You don't think Sam was dumb enough to cut a deal like you, right?" She glanced to him before writing down the address on a slip of paper.

"I definitely think he's dumb enough. Everyone ready for a car ride?"

"We'll have to take Nicole's, Sam has your car." Bobby chimed in, yet Nicole looked around before standing. She found her keys and tossed them to Dean.

"Don't worry I'll let you drive."

"I like the way you think sweetheart." Dean smirked and walked to her, pressing a kiss to her lips before leading the way out. It was time to go off and find Sammy.

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