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Dean has noticed Nicole's distance, maybe because she knew it was only a matter of time before he'd leave her here alone once again. Nonetheless at night it was no secret Dean left his room with Sam to go lay beside her in her own motel room, or if there were two queens it was always Dean and Nicole paired. Tonight was a separate room from Sam, which at times Dean was thankful for as Sam had been nothing but pissed lately. Dean sighed, staring up at the ceiling as she laid on her side away from him, facing the door of the room. His right arm under her pillow and her fingers gentle resting on his own. At times he knew when she was awake, her fingers would gently stroke his palm or her lips brush his hand or forearm. Tonight they both laid awake in silence, her fingers gently brushing along the lines in his palm.

"We should talk." He said softly, though not moving an inch. A sigh escaped her as she slowly rolled over, using her elbow to prop herself up slightly and be able to look at him in the darkness. The only light was barely filtering through the blinds from the street lights.

"What is there to talk about? That you're going to die? I understand why you did it Dean. Doesn't it mean it will hurt me any less." He raises his hand to gently tuck the hair behind her ear before nodding.

"Since I'm your mate what does it mean for you?" Nicole pushed her lips together for a moment in thought.

"Not sure since there is no other hybrids for reference. Nothing could happen or I could go into a extremely depressive state and just wither away like some who lose their mates. Truth be told I'm not sure how or what will play out. Hell it's been over 11 months Dean. Lilith is hot on our trail."

"Just know no matter how this plays out I'm yours. You're pretty gorgeous. You also make a mean pie." Nicole forced a laugh before pressing a long kiss to his lips. It'd be one of the last times she'd be held by Dean. It was days later and they were in New Harmony Indiana.

They'd been facing the Lilith, surprisingly with the help of Ruby. The demon knife she possessed was similar to her own. Surely if Lucifer had sent her Nicole would have known, but he seemed to never answer these days. Too busy with the club scene or solving crimes in Los Angeles. Nonetheless all of that was pointless now as they were in a town surrounded by demons.

Nicole was helping Bobby with the demons outside when it all happened, the steering pain in her chest as she gasped and looked to Bobby. Fear was written across her face as she looked over herself, no damage but she felt weak. She felt Dean's rapid pulse and pain coursing through his body. Just as his pulse picked up speed it had died out. The familiar comfort left her as fast as it had come when she'd first tasted his blood over a year ago.


"Hey now." He crouched down and held her up as she fell back, her eyes locked on the sky. "What's wrong talk to me! I'm not a supernatural doctor." Nicole managed a weak laugh, she could feel her body growing stiff.

"It's-it's Dean." Her eyes welled with tears, bottom lip trembling. "He's done Bobby and I can feel it. It's so cold. Bobby? I don't want to die. Where do we go?"

"I don't know Niks, but you've done good yeah?"

"Only this last century or so...I'm so scared." She shivered as she looked to Bobby from the sky. "Good bye Bobby. Thank you." He held her as she grew cold, her body turning very light shade of grey.

"I got you. I got you. Don't be scared." Bobby said softly as a few tears left his eyes. His eyes raised to the home as Sam came out, wearing a look of pure sorrow and pain.

"It's Dean!" Sam yelled yet his voice broke.

"I know." Bobby said softly, looking back down at Nicole. He gently placed a hand on her neck, feeling a pulse yet only a few times every minute.

"Is she?"

"I don't know." Bobby said. "She went into this state when I suppose Dean died."

"Well maybe it's a sign!"

"Quit it boy!" Bobby yelled, gently laying Nicole down on the ground. He hugged Sam, the pair surely shedding a few tears before looking to each other. "We'll bury Dean alright? Give us some time to hopefully save him. As for her... I'll put her in the basement room where we could trap demons. Whatever this is may pass or it may not. If she starts rotting I'm calling it." Sam only nodded, going with Bobby to retrieve Deans destroyed body. Bobby's could see the young man's shredded torso, there was no coming back from that attack. The hellhounds had ensured no doctor would be able to put him back together.

It was later that day that they buried him in the ground in a nearby town, where no one would disturb the group. Nicole's body laid in a bed in the darkness the very next. Sam sat, staring at her as he fiddled with his hands.

"If you're in there I'm gonna need you to wake up and help me save Dean. I don't know how, but..." Sam choked before looking down. "He's my brother and you love him as much as I do. I know you weren't one to say or admit feelings but I saw it Nicole." Sam cursed under his breath before standing. Slowly he walked to the door and locked it behind him, leaving the viewing slider open and glancing back only a moment. There she laid, not moving, cold as a corpse yet, to Bobby's dismay she never did rot. Not even as the first three months passed.

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