Black Eyes

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"You look tired." Dean mumbled, bringing beers to the table, handing Nicole on and his brother.

"Yeah. That kid I just feel bad for him." She took a swig, trying to drown out the sound of pulses all around. She was starving to say the least. "It's a nurse, more than likely on night shift. Or it's already left town since it killed its mark. New town new contract." She sighed, sinking into her chair more as she took another swig.

"Or it's knocking out every contract in town." Sam chimed in, maybe trying to be the positive one.

"Maybe. Doubtful if it knows the Winchesters are in town. Then again you two have a bounty for sure in ole hell."

"Ever heard of Crowley?" Dean asked, making her lift a brow. Of course she knew Crowley, he was Lucifer's best of the best. Left to lead hell while Lucifer enjoyed Los Angeles. Crowley was always after feeding his own agenda, though he was always fun to party with and knew the best places on earth for drinks when he paid a visit. Lately it seemed he was truly pushing to be the new ruler of hell, befriending the demons and not looking at them as employees. Though more like pawns in reality. However demons rarely have the biggest brains and prefer to exist rather than be snuffed from existence.

"No." She simply said, looking to her beer bottle for a moment. "Dare I even want to know who he is?"

"He's the leader of the demons as far as we know. The king of hell." She couldn't help but chuckle.

"That isn't Lucifer? Gosh I must have my lore wrong."

"Crowley is a red eyes demon, then there is ole golden eyes and the regular demons."

"Black eyes." She sat down her beer. "Listen as much as this is fun. It's getting late. We've exhausted all of our resources here until we find a plan to actually find this demon. I'm heading back to the motel." She stood, tossing a bill down for her beer before finishing it off. The fresh and slightly chilled air was calming as she stepped outside. She didn't take her time walking back to her room, yanking open the blood bag as she sat down.

"Well well." She growled, glancing to Crowley who decided to make an appearance. He was strolling from behind where she was sitting, moving to sit in the corner chair. "You mentioned my name and I just had to come visit." A sigh escaped her as she release the plastic tube from her mouth, looking at the now empty blood bag.

"Come to tell me which demon is overstepping their boundaries."

"Now what's the fun in that? I love watching you scooby doo with the Winchester. Boy oh boy if they find out what you are...." He laughed, interlocking his fingers.

"John Winchester knew."

"He was smart. Have you actually met his boys?" She shrugged, tossing the empty bag on the nightstand.

"Then I wish them all the luck in killing me."

"True you are the hybrid. The one. The only. The hated of the vampires and werewolves. Here I thought I was a loner."

"Don't forget witches." She chimed in, picking at her nail. "You know I'm gonna have to kill the demon."

"I do. While it is fun watching you, the demon is in the body of a woman. She's long gone, brain is baby food. She'll not be saved. Works nights at the hospital, I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding her."

"I figured as much." She nodded, glancing to Crowley for a moment as he stared at her. "What?"

"Look at you! You used to be the most feared creature! Burning cities, eating whole villages, shredding people to pieces! Now look at you, sipping blood from a plastic baggy that probably tastes horrible compared to the fresh stuff." She laughed, laying back and looking up at the ceiling.

"Yeah well, the world changed Crowley. I changed. Plus the business with Luci is worth the investment."

"You think you'll really get the ole ticket to heaven?"

"No, I just think after centuries I'll finally be allowed to die." She looked to him before looking back at the ceiling. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Crowley disappear. He was right through, as messed up as it was to think. She had been a monster in ever sense of the word, yet here she was, sitting in a shit motel room. Plenty of money to do something else. Maybe it was the guilt eating at her. Maybe it was the fact that she was mate-less since she'd been born, lacking that connection with anyone finally made her crack centuries ago. She jumped as a knock came from her door, surely that was why Crowley so swiftly departed. "Just a second!" She hollered, shoving the empty blood bag in her backpack and zipping it closed before heading to the door. She opened it, forcing a smile to Dean who was standing at the door.

"Hey, we uh, we got a lead at the hospital. Wanted to see if you wanted to go check it out with us. I swore I heard you talking to someone." He glanced inside as she laughed looking back into the room for a moment.

"Yeah, the walls." Nicole stepped past him, letting the door close as she wandered to where she parked her car.

"I was thinking, after we catch this bastard you come with us. Help us join forces against golden eyes. We got a friend whose nearby and it's sort of home base for us."

"Uh yeah, sure. I suppose I could for awhile. I could have a friend come pick up my car and store it somewhere safe for a few weeks." She glanced to her car, then looking to the Impala. Sam was already in the car, glancing to her before giving a nod. Hanging out with the Winchesters, what could potentially go wrong?

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