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Sometimes I wish I could disappear. 

Not die. I don't want to die. But I wish I could go invisible to get out of situations that I don't want to be in. 

And this was one of them. My father just got out of prison for his fifth time - wait, maybe sixth. Doesn't matter. He recently got out of prison, serving his time of 6 months. I had been staying with my mom in Fiji, and God do I miss it.

During those 6 months, I made really good friends at my university. My mother assured me that it wouldn't be long until my dad ended up back in jail, so I'd return and be reunited with my friends. 

I love my dad. But I hate the life he chooses to live. 

"Mia?" his voice suddenly snapped me out of my trance.

I hummed, "Hm?"

He sat across from me at the dinner table. He made steak for dinner, and I was now eating a cherry pie for dessert. I didn't even like it, but I ate it so that there was something I could use as an excuse to not talk. 

"I asked if you need me to get you anything for school," he repeated himself.

School. Starting at a new university here was something I was prepared for, but the thought of it still gave me a headache. I shook my head before taking a bite of the pie, the sweet flavor coating my tongue. 

"Just a gun," I joke between bites. He gives me a disapproving look. "What?"

He crossed his tattooed and scarred arms, his face switching to a more serious expression. He told me, "There is something I need to tell you."

I paused chewing the food in my mouth. I already knew I didn't like where this was going. I nodded while swallowing it, "Okay. What is it?"

Going to attempt to rob another bank again tomorrow?

"I pissed a lot of people off before serving my time. I'm sure they'll hear eventually that I'm out and want to shed some blood. So for your safety hija, I've asked a friend of mine that I made in prison to protect you. To be your bodyguard until you go back to your mother's for the summer."

If he doesn't go back to jail by then.

"A bodyguard? Like, follows me around 24/7?" I asked, setting my fork down. I already didn't like this. I love my privacy and the thought of somebody following me around made my leg bounce up and down anxiously. 

He shook his head, "Not 24/7. Just here and there. He'll take you to school and pick you up every day, accompany you if you want to go out and such."

Sounds like a babysitter. 

I scoffed, unable to believe my ears. I don't want somebody breathing down my neck and following me everywhere I go. Especially not some ugly guy he became friends with in jail. 

"No thanks, Dad," I reply as if he were giving me a choice and I go back to eating the pie. 

The doorbell ringing echoed through my house, making my eyebrows lower. He shrugged unapologetically, "Well, that's him."

I froze. I gave him a death glare, but he didn't really seem to care. 

Now I really wish I could disappear. 

My dad stood up, walking towards the front door. I didn't move, taking another bite of my pie. I'm stress eating now. I heard the front door open, followed by the sound of my father greeting them. I'm going to a party tonight that my old friend invited me to, and I don't want somebody following me around the entire time. 

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