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Natalie asked me to grab coffee with her for lunch, so we're sitting at a cute small café drinking iced coffee. She apologized for leaving me that one night, and I decided to leave it in the past.

H and some of the other guys showed up at Ares' this morning, so I was actually kind of glad that she asked me.

"I'm happy that you have a nice and hot boyfriend and everything, but I hope that won't take time away from me," Natalie pouted.

I set my glass down, a smile on my face. I told her, "Don't worry, you're still my best friend."

"Good, I better be."

We were sitting at a table outside, the faint smell of coffee filling our noses every time somebody would open the door.

My phone suddenly buzzed with a text. It was from Ares, and it read, 'Tell Natalie I said hi bitch.'

I nearly laughed, shutting my phone off and putting it back down on the table.

She wiped her mouth with a napkin once she finished eating the muffin she got with her coffee. She asked me, "Oh! I've been meaning to ask. I'm going to a party this weekend with the guy that I met at the club, and I was wondering if I could borrow that black and white dress you have?"

I finished my coffee, setting it down. I told her, "I don't have it; it's at my dads' house."

"How about the light pink one?"

I pursed my lips, "Also at my dads' house."

She let out a sigh. She leaned back in the iron chair and told me, "You should go get your clothes and stuff. They are yours, after all."

Her words made me think for a second while the warm breeze blew my hair back for a moment. 

A car honked from beside us, the sun shining down onto the black car brightly. Natalie picked her phone up off of the table and told me, "That's him. We're hanging out for a little today. Ares is coming to pick you up, right?"

"Um - yeah, he is. Tell me how your party this weekend goes," I smiled at her. I tried to fight the slight betrayal I felt about her leaving me once again. 

She blew me a kiss before getting into the car and driving away. 

I really didn't want to go home, but it would be nice to get some things I was missing. I pressed my palms against the table and stood up, collecting my things. 

 I wasn't going to make Ares drive all the way just to take me to my house, which was a 5-minute drive away. I walked along the sidewalk, the birds chirping and cars driving by. 

In my head, I was hoping that maybe my dad wouldn't be home. But seeing his car in the driveway once I got there made me let out an irritated sigh.

I walked up my driveway and opened the front door quietly. I heard no noise coming from anywhere, so I made sure to walk over to the stairs silently. 

My footsteps were quiet; I had no idea where he was. I didn't want him to hear me. I just wanted to get my stuff and leave. 

Every step I took up the stairs was silent. My heartbeat was louder than my movements. 


I jumped around halfway up the stairs. I looked down, seeing my dad with his arms crossed at the end of the stairs. I forced an awkward smile, "Hey. Just grabbing something quickly."

His mouth moved to the side, and I prepared myself for him to start asking for forgiveness again. But instead, he just nodded.

I felt confused as I watched him walk towards the kitchen. I turned back up the stairs, going quickly to get out of here as fast as possible.

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