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I think that school has officially bored me to death. I genuinely think that I'm so bored, that I died.

But Sean tapping my shoulder told me I was actually still alive. He whispered, "I know, this class is hard to stay awake during."

I nodded my head. Maybe if Ares would've let us stop for coffee this morning, then I wouldn't be tired. But he told me it was a waste of time and that I'd be fine. But here I am thinking I literally died, all because he wouldn't stop for coffee.

"You decide if you're going to the dance tomorrow yet?" he asked me, and I thought for a second.

I told him, "I don't know anybody at this school, so I don't think so."

"You know me. We could go together."

The look of nervousness on his face when he said that made me feel like he wasn't just asking me to go as two friends. My lips turned up in a smile as I said, "Sean, are you asking me on a date?"

"I guess so," he laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

He was sweet. Kind. Good for me. So I agreed, "I'll be there."

The professor dismissed the class right after that moment, so I collected my things and stood up. I walked out expecting to see Ares waiting for me, but he wasn't there. My phone started to ring in my back pocket, so I pulled it out and placed it to my ear.

Ares' cold voice spoke, "Can't come to pick you up."

"Why not, you asshole?" I asked, annoyed. "You're my ride."

"I'm busy."

"Doing what? Going to a daycare to scare children?"

"Nah. Don't have a picture of your face on me right now."

I rolled my eyes. He told me, "I might be busy for the entire day, so go home and stay inside."

"Hopefully you're busy getting shot," I say in a fake innocent tone before dropping it. "As much as I'd love to obey you, I can't. I have to go and buy a dress, a guy in my class asked me to go with him to the dance tomorrow."

He went silent on the other end. I almost hung up thinking that the call had disconnected until he said, "You aren't going until you give me this guy's full name so I can run a background check."

"I don't even know his last name," I replied while walking down the hallway.

"Either get it, or you aren't going," he orders. "Going on a date with somebody when you don't even know their last name isn't smart, Mia."

I mouth his words to myself in a mocking way.

I stopped walking. My eyebrows lowered for a second and I told him, "You're my bodyguard, not my parent. If you want his last name so badly, get it yourself."

I went to hang up when his voice speaking stopped me, "You don't want to piss me off, Mia."

It was as if he were warning me. I smiled, "I think that's exactly what I want to do, Ares."

I hung up on him. 

Once I was back home, I called Natalie and invited her over. She told me that she'd be here in an hour, so I'm sitting in the kitchen eating a bowl of ramen. 

As I swallowed my food, my front door opened and shut. My dad made his way into the kitchen, giving me a smile. He asked, "How have your first two days of school been? Must've been weird starting in the middle of the week in the middle of a semester."

As he tossed his keys onto the table, I looked him up and down. His black hair was messed up as if he had been doing something physical. I replied as if I were the parent and he was the child, "Good. What have you been up to today? Been obeying the law like the model citizen that I know you're most recent conviction made you out to be?"

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