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When I woke up in the morning, Ares wasn't beside me. I got myself out of bed and headed downstairs, looking for him in the kitchen.

But he wasn't there.

I looked at the clock, my eyes widening. It was 2:30 pm, so I slept in really late. Like late enough where I'm gonna need to take 15 melatonins until I'm hallucinating to sleep. 

At that exact moment, the front door opened. I made my way into view, and he said, "You're up finally. I thought you might've died. We've got something to go do."

"And what's that?" I asked, smiling slightly, seeing the coffee in his hands. It was enough to make me ignore everything else he said.

He walked over to me, holding it out for me to take. As I took it, he told me, "Just another drive, no big deal."

I paused drinking. I swallowed before asking, "Are you going to another criminal's house?"

"No. Someone left money for me somewhere, so I'm just going to get it. And your ass is coming with me."

I rolled my eyes, setting my coffee down on the kitchen table. I asked, "Can I at least change first?"

He nodded, so I headed up the stairs. I changed into jeans and a white shirt, but it had nothing to do with Ares telling me that I looked good in white. Once I was back downstairs, I felt confused once I smelt food in the air. I walked into the kitchen and noticed Ares had cooked breakfast, and there was a plate ready for me to eat. 

I sat across from where he stood, taking a bite of the salty bacon.

He spoke up, "I'm sorry for Sean. I shouldn't have fucking done that. You already have to be around your dad, who does shitty things and breaks the law all the time. I don't want to be another person like that for you. It won't happen again."

His words took me by surprise. A small smile formed on my face as I replied, "Thank you."

It looked like a small smile formed on his face for a moment as I ate my food, surprised by the fact that he could cook. Once I was done, I washed my hands, and we stepped outside. But I froze in confusion.

Looking at the shitty car in front of us, I asked, "What the fuck is that?"

"It's a car I stole. Not showing up to collect 20k in my car, now get in."

My jaw dropped. He stole it?

"We can just take my car, you know," I said uneasily, approaching the passenger side.

He shook his head, "Nah."

I rolled my eyes and got in. 

As we started to drive, I tried to turn the heat on, but only cold air came out. Then I tried to turn the radio on, and nothing happened.

I picked up a CD of whoever owned this car and saw that there were only five songs written on the back of it. I set it down and asked, "How long of a drive is this?"

"2 hours."

I pursed my lips. I guess that isn't that bad.

He continued, "And then two hours back."

Now my jaw dropped. I asked, "4 hours in this piece of a shit car?"

"Think I saw a Barbie doll in the back seat. Why don't you make use of it?"

I ignored him, leaning against my window. I need to stop getting in cars with him.

After the 2 hour drive there, which was filled with nothing but us bickering, we finally got to an old abandoned house. This time, I stayed in the car as he ran in, coming back with the bag he brought now completely full.

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