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ϟ  Ares  ϟ

Well, shit. 

I guess I didn't think this entirely through. It was never my intent to hurt or upset Mia. But her dad needed something to get it through his head that the way he treats her isn't okay. He's manipulative and abusive, and I don't feel bad about what I did.

But I do feel bad that I made her upset.

"Could you drive any fucking slower?" Zach complained.

Yes, I fucking could.

But I want to be away from him as fast as possible.

I didn't bother pulling into his driveway; I just parked at the side of the road. He went to open his car door when I locked it. He slowly glanced at me, "You fucking serious?"

"You're disgusting. You're just like the other guys we were in prison with. Mia is done with you, and I don't want you ever trying to reach out and manipulate her ever again. Go to therapy, and then you'll be allowed to see her again," I told him. 

He looked at me with hate in his eyes. But I didn't care.

I unlocked the car door, and he quickly got out. I drove away, and I wanted to go straight to Natalies and talk to Mia. But I know that's not what she wants. I know I need to give her some time to think.

Even though I hate not being around her.

I drove home, collapsing onto my bed. I need a shower. My hair is a mess from anxiously running my fingers through my hair. 

After my shower, it was now lunchtime. I wanted to go and bring Mia food, but I knew she probably wouldn't accept it. So I texted her, 'Can we please talk later?'

Talk to her. That's all I wanted. To recognize that what I did was wrong. I'm not used to this, I've never been a boyfriend, I don't know how to. But I'm trying to learn. 

I waited for a reply. I sat with my phone in my hands for fucking hours. The sun had set now, and I was still waiting like an idiot. She finally replied, 'Yes. We'll talk tomorrow.'

I let out a sigh, tossing my phone onto my bed. Even though it wasn't the response I wanted, I was still glad she replied. Time had never felt so slow. 

This is the first time I've ever been in a relationship - it's the first time I've ever cared about somebody. I miss her. I miss her sweet cherry scent, and I miss her smile. I would do anything to keep her safe, but I think that's clouding my judgment slightly. I'm so focused on doing what I think will protect her that I forget about how my actions might make her feel.

So I'm learning. This is my first relationship, and I'm learning. I'll continue to improve myself for her because that's what she deserves. 

But I fucking miss her. 


❀ Mia 

I pulled the tight baby blue dress onto my body while Natalie yelled at me to hurry up. I didn't want to talk to her about Ares because I wasn't even sure of my own thoughts. I believe that conflicts in my relationship are only the business of him and I - other people don't need to know about them. They are our problems. 

Once I was finally ready, Natalie and I took an Uber to a club downtown. It's been a long time since we've gone out together.

The line was long since it was the weekend, but we waited without complaints. Once it was our turn to enter, we did, and I knew I needed to drink even more. It was crowded; most of the people in there were either drunk or on drugs.

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