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Who would've thought that Ares' favorite artist is the Arctic Monkeys?

We were going to a drive-in theater, so the sky was dark and filled with stars. It was a 30-minute drive, so after 20 minutes of going back and forth, he finally agreed that I could play some music off of his phone.

Looking through his music, I noticed nearly every Arctic Monkeys song was on his playlist. 

I put on I Wanna Be Yours since that's the song I have on my playlist, too.

"Have you ever been to one of these?" I asked him while he drove.

He shook his head, "Have you?"

"Once when I was younger. I remember sitting in the car eating candy while one of the Toy Story movies was playing," I told him. 

I got a little sad at the memory. It sucks that I no longer have a relationship with my dad, even though it was my choice. 

Ares noticed my shift in emotion and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Just thinking about my dad," I shrugged. "I had so many good memories with him from when I was little, and it's just weird knowing that we won't make any more. I guess it's bittersweet."

"We'll make memories together now, Cherry," he says, giving me a quick glance and a smile. I knew he could relate to how I felt. We've both now lost our dads, just in different ways.

We got to the theater and parked in an empty spot backward since we put stuff in the trunk to make it comfortable. There were a good amount of people here, which shocked me since it was a weekday. 

We got into the trunk after turning the radio to the station playing the audio of the movie. We laid against the pillows and blankets, but we weren't touching the snacks yet since the movie hadn't started. I wasn't too sure what movie we were seeing, but he told me that it was a scary one. 

Crickets and the sound of other people talking filled the air. I heard the sound of a couple laughing, so I turned my head to look at them.

A couple stood laughing, holding a bag of popcorn each. They were having a friendly argument, and they looked like they were genuinely happy.

While continuing to look at them, I asked Ares, "What do you think they're talking about right now?"

He sat up, looking at them. He cleared his throat before talking in a deeper voice, mimicking the guy, "Karen, I don't understand why you won't let me put it up your ass."

A laugh escaped my lips, and I pushed myself up too. I mimicked the girl in a high-pitched voice, "Because Joesph, I know you only want to put it up there so that you can imagine I'm your ex-boyfriend Travis."

"Oh, you're still bringing up Travis, huh?" Ares continued to pretend that's what the guy was saying.

I replied as the girl, "How could I not bring him up? He stole our car and set it on fire. Our precious SUV, how are we going to take the kids to soccer now?"

"They don't need soccer! They can kick a ball in the backyard; they're both fucking shit at it anyway!"

I gasped, "How dare you, Joesph. You know that Sally and Timmy try their best. Maybe if you were more involved, they'd become professional soccer players!"

"Sally and Timmy aren't even my children, Karen! I know you've been sneaking out to the neighbors' house at night!"

The couple suddenly turned to look at us, making us both shut our movies and freeze. I put my hand up and said casually, "Hey."

"What's up?" Ares spoke up, the couple turning and walking back towards their car.

I turned to look at Ares with a smile. I asked him, "You wanna go get some popcorn from the stand over there?"

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