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"There's my favorite hunchback!" I joked, entering Ares' hospital room with food for him. 

He rolled his eyes, but he didn't look annoyed. Today he was finally able to come back home after spending a few weeks in the hospital. He broke a few vertebraes in his back, but the rest of his body was fine. I've spent every single night in here with him, sleeping on the hospital bed beside him. 

He stood up off of the bed, making me gasp. I scolded him and forced him to sit back down, "You aren't supposed to stand or walk unless you absolutely have to!"

"I did have to," he put his hands on my waist. "You were taking too long to come over to me."

He pulled my face into his, pressing his lips against mine. Like always, he was able to make my heart melt.

"Oh - sorry, I didn't mean to intrude," Ares' doctor suddenly spoke from behind us, making me pull my lips away from his.

I smiled at her as she looked at Ares, "Now, Mr. Montgomery, you are free to go home now. But you still need to rest for the next few weeks."

"Mhm," Ares replied in a bored tone, making me slap his arm slightly. He cleared his throat and spoke in a nice voice. "Yes, I will. Thank you."

She smiled at the two of us before leaving the room, and I picked up the food I bought Ares. I told him, "You can eat this in the car."

"I almost forgot that you're driving," he said while standing up.

"Yes, I am," I replied as we exited the room and started walking down the hallway. "And I'm a way better driver than you, by the way."

He had to walk slower than usual, so we walked at his pace. He looked at me like I was crazy, "Are you serious?"


"You do know that I did see you run the red light when you drove me here, right?"

My jaw dropped slightly, and I defended myself, "It was orange when I started to go!"

A small smile formed on his face, and he wrapped his arm around my waist. He pulled me into his side before kissing my head and telling me, "Mhm. Whatever you need to tell yourself."

We reached the outside doors, and he still held the door open for me, even though he was the one in pain. 

Once we reached the car, we got in, and I handed him the styrofoam container of food. He started eating, and I merged onto the highway, starting our few hour drive home. 

I missed home. Sleeping in a hospital bed for weeks sucks. 

But Ares was only hurt because of me. So no matter how many times he told me to go home with H, I never did. And I know that he would've done the same for me.

During the drive, Ares ate, and I sped. He made a few jokes about me being a bad driver, so I threatened to leave him in the middle of the road.

It was midday once we finally got back to Chicago. The second that we passed the sign, I felt a feeling spread throughout my body, like it knew that I was home now. 

Pulling into the driveway made a warmth form in my stomach. Ares' house is my home, and it's been weeks since I've been home.

H kept up with the house for us. He cut the grass, watered the plants, and cleaned the house. I know that he buried Sean somewhere, but H said it would be better if only he knew in case we were ever questioned in the future.

I turned off the car, but continued to sit in it for a moment. I turned to look at Ares, "Are the police ever going to find out that we killed Sean?"

"No," he shook his head. "Don't worry. H and I are good at this sort of thing."

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