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I knocked on Ares' door, the sound of my dads' car leaving behind me filling the air for a moment. It took a while for Ares to come to the door, so I looked around at the surrounding houses.

Once the door finally opened I looked back, "Good morning robot. I must say, I'm shocked that you are at home on a Sunday morning and not in church."

His brain didn't even bother listening to my joke, his eyes widening and just staring at me for a moment. 

He grabs my face once he registers the blood coming from my lip, pulling me towards him while looking down at me with worry on his face. His thumb wipes the blood coming from my bottom lip as he asks quietly, "What the fuck happened to you?"

"Some guy from my dads' past," I vaguely explained, and he nodded.

He pulled me inside and shut the door, and I looked around as he headed upstairs. Even though it was daytime now, his house was still dark. He had all of the curtains closed and only a few lamps were on. Maybe he's a vampire, not robot. 

I headed upstairs, following him to his bedroom. He entered his connecting bathroom, opening his drawers and grabbing some things. He called out to me, "Sit on the bed."

"Wouldn't it be more convenient for you for me to just sit in the bathroom?"

He looked over at me quickly, "Bed will be more comfortable for you. Now sit."

I sighed, walking over to his bed and sitting down. My eyes widened for a moment, his bed actually being very comfortable. I figured he slept on nails or something. He walked back over to me, crouching down in front of me between my legs. He put one hand on the side of my face, using the other to dab my lip with a Q-tip.

His movements were soft. I could smell the minty gum that he was chewing.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you," he suddenly spoke up, removing the Q-tip from my bottom lip. As his thumb trailed along my lip, pulling it down for a moment, he spoke again softly. "I've been a shit bodyguard. I'll start to do a better job."

"Oh, you mean like not showing up to pick me up from school?" I joke. He presses the Q-tip a bit harder at this. "Ow."

I looked into his eyes. At this boy that I hate. At this boy more sarcastic than anybody I had ever met in my life. The air between us felt heavy. Loud. Even though it was silent. I wondered what went on in his head as he stared at my lips. 

He suddenly looked away, standing back up to his full height. I cleared my throat.

He came back out after throwing the Q-tip out and asked, "You wear glasses?"

"When I don't feel like wearing contacts."

His eyes looked around my face. He said, "You got bad taste."

"Yea. That's why I'm here with you," I matched his sarcasm. 

He smirked as I stood up off of his bed. He tried to hide it, but I saw it. While brushing past me to grab his ringing phone off of his nightstand, he stopped for a moment. He looked me in the eyes and told me, "I like them, Cherry. Looks good on you."

He continued walking, answering the call behind me.

Ares sounded a little annoyed while replying, "Fucking don't."

But I guess the person on the other end hung up because he slipped his phone back into his pocket. He walked back over to me and asked, "Are you hungry?"

I nodded. I wasn't able to eat my breakfast.

I followed him downstairs and into his kitchen, and he opened his fridge. At first, I thought that he was being sweet and was going to cook something, but he grabbed an apple out of the fridge and handed it to me. How luxurious. 

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