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I woke up to the feeling of a kiss getting pressed against my cheek. At first, I smiled because I knew that it was Ares, but then I frowned because I knew that he was waking me up to take me to school.

I let out a sigh, rolling over in bed so that I was looking at him. I told him, "I hate school."

"I know," he brushed some hair out of my face. "But at least today is one of your shorter days."

I nodded my head, the bed feeling so warm and comfortable that I didn't want to get out. He kissed my forehead and told me, "While you get ready, I'll make you some tea downstairs that you can bring to class."

I groaned as he got out of bed, knowing that I also had to get out of bed. I listened to him walk down the stairs until finally getting up, rubbing my eyes with my palms as I walked over to my closet. I grabbed a pair of black pants and a blue shirt before changing into them.

I brushed my hair and teeth in the bathroom before just pulling my hair up today since I couldn't be bothered to straighten it or braid it. I put my perfume on before heading downstairs, entering the kitchen.

Ares was pouring the tea he made into a water bottle for me, and I asked, "Why didn't you make any for yourself?"

He paused for a second. He shrugged, "I like it. I just feel like getting a coffee today."

I nodded. He slid the water bottle over to me, and I took a sip of the warm liquid as Ares walked to be standing beside me.

He told me, "While you're at school, H and I are going to Will's."

I froze for a second after hearing his name. It could easily be Will, but it could also be my dad. I looked up at Ares and told him, "You should keep my dad in mind, too."

His eyes moved to the right for a moment while he thought. He nodded, "I will."

I looked at the clock, nearly rolling my eyes seeing that we had to go now.

I hopped off of the stool and walked to his car with him, getting in. He drove me to class, and before I got out, he told me he would be waiting outside the door for me like usual.

I entered my class with my tea, sitting at my desk. I pulled all of my stuff out and listened to my professor talk once he entered the room. 

As I wrote notes, my brain started to drift off. Tomorrow is Friday, so we're going to the amusement park that he suggested we go to. I think about what he said, if he really was starting to love me. I guess his software has finally been updated. 

"Mia?" my professor suddenly said.

I looked up, "Hm?"

"What is the answer to question 8?"


Thankfully, the person beside me moved their arm and tapped the answer with their pen. I responded, "B?"

He looked a little disappointed that I got it right. He crossed his arms and said, "That's correct."

"Thanks," I whisper to the person beside me. I love when teachers get mad. 


ϟ  Ares  ϟ

"He's not fucking leaving," H complained. 

"Shut up. He will soon."

He let out a sigh and rolled his eyes.

We sat in a stolen car; it had heat and a working radio this time. Not that it mattered, because Mia isn't here, and we have both of them off so that we can hear better. It didn't take H long to find Will's house, and violence isn't unfamiliar to us. If he doesn't tell us, we'll torture it out of him.

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