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School is becoming so boring that I'm considering getting arrested so that people can owe me money in prison and I'll be rich when I come out. 

The Ares Montgomery technique. 

"I don't know what you're thinking about," Ares spoke up. "But I can tell by your face it's something I don't like."

I let out a sigh, "School is so boring, Ares."

He had just picked me up from class, and now we were walking down the sidewalk of a road that I was unfamiliar with. When he parked the car for us to get out, he told me that this was where his surprise was. 

"Then drop out," he shrugged.

"Wow, how didn't I think of that?" I replied sarcastically, watching a small smirk form on his face.

He looked forward while we walked down the busy sidewalk, "You don't need school if you don't want it, Mia."

"Um...not to diss the programs you took in prison or anything, but I definitely do," I spoke in a high-pitched voice.

He put a hand on my arm and stopped walking, making me turn to face him as cars honked and people walked by. He looked me in my eyes, "Mia, I have millions of dollars. You don't need a job or to work unless it's something you really want to do. I have enough money to take care of you; just remember that."

I stood there, his words making my lips part slightly. Before I could respond, he held my hand in his, gesturing his head to the side, "Now come on. We're here."

He started to walk down the driveway to a motel, the bright neon sign flickering on and off. 

We entered through the front door, and I looked around. It looked new and well done, definitely better than the ones I've seen in the movies. Ares walked up to the desk and started talking to the worker, and I opened a small curtain to look outside.

I noticed a vending machine, and my face lit up. They have soda.

"Come on, baby," Ares said from behind me, making me turn around.

He held the key to a room in his hand and put his other hand on my lower back as we walked down the hallway. I turned and looked at him under the fluorescent lighting, "What are we doing at a motel?"

"Thought it might be fun," he shrugged. "Have you ever stayed in a motel?"

I shook my head, and he said, "Me neither."

We stopped walking in front of a door at the end of the hallway. Ares put the key in and unlocked it, the door swinging open and revealing our room.

The floor had white carpet, and the walls were light grey. The living room and kitchen were clean, further confirming that this was a new motel. I walked into the bedroom, and both it and the bathroom were matching shades of white, grey, and black.

"This place is so nice," I smiled at him, sitting down on the bed.

He started to walk over to come to sit beside me, "I thought it might be fun to just be somewhere else for a night, especially since H is still trying to figure it out."

A smile formed on my face, and I looked at him in his dark eyes. I guess I must've been looking at him with an unusual look because he asked, "What is it?"

I tried to think of how to put my thoughts into words. I always thought that I'd have a boyfriend one day, but I never thought that I would ever be this in love and happy. I never thought that I'd find somebody as thoughtful as Ares. When I imagined my future, I always thought of something boring.

But that image has been shattered now, and Ares has shown me a life worth living. 

"You make me really fucking happy," I summarized, a smile finding its way onto my face.

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