Chapter 1 - The Flight

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My story starts here, in the airport, I am about to board a flight to the one place I have always dreamed of going. A place that has been a world away from where I grew up, a place that only the lucky got to go, this is where I am headed, let me take you back...

I was born and raised by my mother, my gran and my granddad, I was fortunate enough to know a fairly comfortable life, nothing too extravagant, but I was always cared for. I never wanted for anything, and I suppose being an only child, this might make people think I was spoiled, far from it. And this is what brings me to my story, I am sat at the airport and I have never been more nervous in my whole life.

As I sit here, I figure, I better write my story, so all of you out there can see that dreams DO come true, and dreams are worth fighting for, by no means do I say it's easy, and by no means do I say it will fall into your lap, but if you work hard enough, they will come true, I am living proof.

Let me take you back to round about 9 months ago, yes, strange number to me too, 9 months is a long time, but also 9 months is the time a life develops, this is why the number is so important to me now, this is the time frame it took all of my dreams to materialise, from the offer to now, as I sit here in the airport.

I was working an event in my home city of Cape Town, it's a beautiful sea side city on the southern tip of South Africa, I was working for an eventing company who had just organised my favourite band EVER to come and play a gig. I was in charge of the catering and the dressing rooms, so naturally I was nervous, anything could go wrong, I knew a few members of the crew including the lead singer were vegan, the rest of them were a bit easier to take care of, and there was a list of requirements.

As everything was set up, I realised there weren't enough water bottles, which was a strict requirement, I ran back down to the store room and got the extra 8 bottles needed and as I ran back up the stairs I felt myself crash into something, or someone, solid and dropped three bottles, they didn't break , thankfully, but as I looked up I looked into the most beautiful hazel eyes I ever seen...

And this brings me to my story... The hazel eyes... And why I am on this flight!

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