Chapter 24 - I Know You

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Charley's point of view

I went into the bedroom and didn't expect him to still be in there, as I walked in he was stood at the cabinet in a towel and his hair was spiked. I stopped dead "Oh sorry, uhm didn't know you were in here" I averted my gaze and he laughed "It's all yours" but he didn't move, I could have taken that in two ways, I flushed and he smiled, walking towards me he said "The bathroom I meant" he winked and walked out. I smiled at his cheekiness and went into the bathroom, the shower was huge, and it felt amazing, I spent ages in there, I washed my hair and as I stepped out I heard him in the bedroom, I wrapped the towel around me and on the bed was a change of clothes, including a brand new bikini, it was silver, and a pendant in the front, it was the lightening strike of the S, I recognised it from the sunglasses. 

I got dressed in the bikini and it felt amazing and fit perfectly. I saw he had put an outfit on the bed as well, a pair of white crocheted shorts and a halter top to match, he had good taste I thought. I slipped on my sandals and made my way out of his bedroom, I still got shivers from thinking about that. I found him out in the garden, he was wearing black swim trunks and a black cut out tank, I saw his tattoos on his ribs and his biceps looked incredible. 

He turned to me and smiled, "So, did you want to walk down to the lighthouse?" He pointed into the distance and it looked like a few miles "Yea sure", he went back to lock the house and grab two towels, he came back and handed me two water bottles, they were slightly frozen, and felt so good cooling me down. His hand found my lower back and as we walked he ran his hand up and down my back, distracting me.

It was beautiful out, the sun was high in the sky already and the waves crashed as we walked. It was only about 9AM and I looked forward to just getting lost with him today, I know we had to talk but I wanted to put it off, just one more day! It was just too perfect right now to spoil it. He had his sunglasses on and I noticed they were the same as mine, and I had to ask "So, you gave me these, why?" He looked down as I pointed to the sunglasses, and smiled "I saw you looking at mine in the dressing room the night of the show and I figured I would get you a pair", "Yea, but how did you know my size and why did you hide them in the bag instead of just giving them to me?", he looked into the distance "To be honest, I wasn't ready to talk to you then, I was still pushing my feelings away and I didn't want to feel what I was." I looked up at him and smiled "Well, now the secret is out". He put his arm around my neck and we walked along, he asked me about Liv and what she was like, we spoke about Jason and he said, "My brother has a guarded side as well, he doesn't let anyone in easily, he gives everyone an idea of who he wants them to see, but the real person deep down not many people get to see". I thought about it, and I realised it was true, I always noticed how he acted in public, it was a different image he portrayed in private.

We were about half way from the lighthouse now and I passed him the bottle of water, I watched as he unscrewed the cap and took a sip, his lips covering the top and drops on the sides of his mouth, I was just about melting into the sand, I opened my bottle and took a huge gulp, trying to cool myself down. As we got to the lighthouse, he walked up a couple steps and put his hand out to help me up, as we walked over the tiny hill I noticed a small cove, the water was clear blue and it was empty, "welcome to a piece of paradise" I smiled up at him and my heart raced. We ran down the small hill into the cove, it was beautiful, "wow this is paradise". We walked onto the beach and dropped our towels on the sand, "I can't take this heat any more" he said and pulled his shirt off, he stood there in his black swimming shorts. "You coming for a swim?" He made his way to the water, I pulled off my shorts and halter top and stood in my new silver bikini, looking down at the S and smiled. I dropped my sunglasses on the towel and walked towards the water. He was already waist deep in the waves, as I walked into the surf I felt the water, it was amazing, it wasn't cold at all and I walked in faster, hoping for the cooling effect. Watching his body get splashed by the waves made my tingle, I walked up behind him and splashed his back, he turned quickly and I laughed "Oh you want to play that game do you?" And he hit the water high up and it splashed my whole front, I was completely soaked! I splashed him back but it was a tiny wave, he laughed and grabbed me, "Oh no you don't!" He pulled me to him and I felt his rock hard body against mine. He held me there and looked into my eyes, "You do drive me crazy", I laughed and stuck out my tongue, "Do NOT do that again" he whispered in my ear and I laughed looking into his eyes I challenged "Why?", "Because I will have to take full advantage". I looked straight into his eyes and did it again, sticking my tongue out I saw his eyes flicker with fire when he looked at my tongue ring and he licked his lips. "I warned you" and his lips met mine, I teased his lips with my tongue, his tongue found mine and I melted, we kissed like that for ages feeling waves crashing onto our bodies, but they didn't cool the heat. He picked me up and carried me to the beach, he lowered us on the towels and I felt his weight on me, he held himself up on his elbows and I saw his muscles glisten in the sun from the water, our legs were intertwined, and his one hand running along my side down to my thighs, I melted into him, I ached for him and I knew I needed every part of him and I needed it now. 

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