Chapter 4 - The Offer

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After the concert that night, I went home and realised, one of my biggest dreams had come true, I had met him, I looked into his eyes and stood right next to him. I still couldn't believe it, as I locked the door to my apartment I looked around and knew I needed some music on and I needed to write, I needed to do something....

As I sat on the sofa that night I smiled, I couldn't help it, I thought about his eyes, his smile, his hand touching mine and I felt the butterflies all over again, and again. I wanted that feeling to last so much, I felt my heart ache for it.

I wrote and wrote that night, it felt like the words were flowing from me, I couldn't stop, when I looked up at the clock it was 5AM. I needed to be up in 2 hours, I needed to get to the venue to help with the second show which was that night. I shut down my laptop and got ready to get some shut eye, I lay down on the bed and my eyes closed, I dreamed in those two hours, he was there, so close.

My alarm woke my at 7AM, I jumped out of bed and ran to the coffee pot, I needed to get some coffee in my system, SOON, I jumped in the shower and as I got out my phone was ringing, I looked at the screen, "unknown", I answered warily "Hello?", my heart skipped as I heard his voice in the background, "Hey Charley, it's Em here, we need you down here as soon as you can, we had to change the timing on the meet and greet and we need to set up asap", I looked down at the towel I was wrapped in and I smelled the coffee, "Sure! I will be there in ten minutes", "Great see you then" and she hung up.

I raced around my apartment getting dressed while tripping over everything trying to chug down the coffee, I looked in the mirror briefly before running out the door, I didn't have time for make up, as I got in my car, I looked in the mirror and knew I couldn't get there looking like I did.

I quickly got my eyeliner out and got my eyes looking fairly decent, and put some gloss on my lips, "That will have to do" I mumbled to myself and put the car into gear.

I pulled into the parking spot for staff, jumped out the car, pressed the central lock and ran into the venue, as I raced in I bumped into someone, slightly winded I looked up and there were those caramel eyes, I felt myself flush and smile, "I'm.. uhm... sorry.. I... uhm...", he smiled at me looking directly into my eyes, making my tummy flip and my heart race, "We do seem to love meeting by 'accident' don't we?" as he said that, his hand reached out and moved a strand of hair from my face and I felt that electric spark shoot through my body. 

"Uhm, thanks... Have you seen Em?", as he slowly dropped his hand, it brushed against  my cheek and I felt the familiar warmth in my stomach, "Yea, she's over there" he pointed to the conference room, "I hope we get to catch up a bit later" he leaned in an whispered in my ear and my whole body was on fire.

Not knowing how to respond, I nodded and walked towards the conference room, my head was swirling around and all I could feel was where his hand had brushed my face. Emily looked up and smile at me, "Hey you made it, thank goodness, it's been crazy, we need to set, we have an hour", I walked with her into the room and saw the chaos she mentioned "Wow! Okay cool, let me get to it" and I got into setting up.

It took me the full hour to set up and we had about 15 mins to spare before we had to start the meet and greet, as I sat down, Jason walked in, he smiled and sat next to me "I am so glad you got here in time, listen, I would love to chat to you about a job offer, I spoke to Em and she is really happy with your work so far and we need someone to assist, so, if you're interested, let me know after the show", my mouth dropped and I stared at him, not sure how to respond "Uhm... yea... sure... thank you... uhm I... yea", I looked into those ice blue eyes, and I saw his smile, he had a warm reassuring smile, he reached out and took my hand "Cool, you let me know, we would love to have you onboard". He got up and walked out, watching him walk out with such confidence I smiled, he has this way about him, he makes everyone feel at ease, but why does his brother do the complete opposite!

So I got the offer, now I need to say yes... But how do I do that when I can't even speak when I am around him... What do you think?

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